beancrisp's Replies

FACT: The security officer worships Satan. Prove me wrong. FACT: The cops are stupid. Prove me wrong. Corn roast and flips. FACT: The thug worships Satan. Prove me wrong. FACT:This movie is racist. Prove me wrong. FACT: He never called a bunch of neo-nazis fine people. Prove me wrong. So people should be fine with being inconvenience by having to go to court? There should be a law passed where a person can not be arrested for resisting arrest if there is not probable cause to arrest them to begin with and there was no probable cause to arrest or even detain him to begin with. What could the deaf man with cerebral palsy have done to not get his ass kicked by the Phoenix cops? If it is proven the mother was not armed would you still not support murder charges for the cop? The cops claim the mother was holding a knife. The father who saw the cops murder the baby and mother claim the mother was not holding a knife. Who you going to believe the lying cops or the truth telling father? FACT: Adam Dustman thinks it should be legal for cops to murder babies. Prove me wrong. FACT: Maria Pike was not holding or reaching for a knife. Prove me.wrong. FACT: Parents can teach their children the Bible anyway they seem fit. The reason the people pushing this is so they can use the government to teach other people's children the Bible. Prove me wrong. Irrelevant as far as the presidential election is concerned because Harris won California. LEGAL FACT: He acted in self defense. Prove me wrong. Just more lies from the Jew haters. FACT: Thugs don't deserve apologies. Prove me wrong. I suspect the people saying that worships Satan.