AbrahamLinkedIn's Replies

I doubt this phone would even work today. Just get an iPhone instead. totally agree! wow! almost 35th year anniversary now. lol! the magic of television must been powerful to make us believe a middle aged woman is 15 Joe Pesci I remember watching it at 4:40 pm on Comedy Central that day. It was my first viewing, very funny film! Honestly, The Honest Thief was not very good. However The Marksmen is a solid Liam Nielson action flick. Yes, really bad His worst film is The French Dispatch. No, not yet. Still waiting for info. I believe he was not in this film. I still say this line all the time. Almost every time I order orange juice with breakfast at the dinner. totally agree. Just watched it tonight. Felt like the jokes were geared towards a 10 year old crowd. DVD is already digital. DVD stands for Digital Video Disc. Perhaps Carmella would take over as boss. She was intelligent and ruthless. Maybe it is time for a female mob boss. Lipton died many years ago. This show is not on air anymore! guy with the most screen time gets fired? TBH, not sure if it was real or fake? Is this still happening? I would buy this just for the bragging rights alone!