Titaanzink's Replies

Absolutely agree. I thought he was the most enjoyable character in the movie and would have loved to see more of him. Ah well. What came first, the chicken or the egg? Maybe they were hoping to give people an incentive to sort out the real world by making them spend more time in it? I got the feeling that comment was aimed just as much at the audience though. Plenty of kids watching the movie who could benefit from a bit more time spent in the Real World and a bit less on their computer / phone / tablet / whatever. Adults too for that matter. Still better than the Transformers movies. Not saying much I know. From the numbers being bounced around (including the ones quoted by you) it appears that RP1 had a total budget of approx. $300-325M including marketing, which is in the ballpark of JLs production budget without marketing included. If that is the case then RP1 will make a profit if it makes it to around $450M worldwide which doesn't seem too far fetched. It won't be a massive box office success but it shouldn't lose them any money either.