MovieChat Forums > Ready Player One (2018) Discussion > "I'm shutting down the OASIS on Tues. an...

"I'm shutting down the OASIS on Tues. and Thurs."

"So people can spend more time in the real world"...Um...isn't the real world so crappy that they have no choice but to go to the OASIS? That makes no sense. The intentions were noble, but my gosh. People do literally everything in the OASIS. They order their food, in the book it was their school. How does shutting down the OASIS benefit anyone?


What came first, the chicken or the egg?

Maybe they were hoping to give people an incentive to sort out the real world by making them spend more time in it?

I got the feeling that comment was aimed just as much at the audience though. Plenty of kids watching the movie who could benefit from a bit more time spent in the Real World and a bit less on their computer / phone / tablet / whatever. Adults too for that matter.


Hence why some people were not too happy about the decision left to these twerps. Basically if you don't have a girlfriend or any significant other as a lover interest, you're shit outta luck and left to masturbate alone or read a book until those days are over or until Wade finishes making love to his dream birthmark face girl.



Lol i think there is a difference between encouraging people to live outside the OS and forcing them too. What if they had jobs with only Tuesday and Thursday off.. that would suck for them. lol it's just kind of funny to think about.


Read a book? That sounds horrible!


Presumably in the movie the OASIS is used strictly for entertainment. There wasn't any mention of the virtual reality world being used for school or work or anything else. If that is the case, shutting it down for two days of the week could be a positive thing.


That's like saying we should ban sugar for health reasons. Just because you can't control your sugar intake doesn't mean everybody should be forced to live without it lol.


Well, the film and novel makes it pretty clear that more or less everyone has a "problem" with Oasis.


Still, the problem isn't the Oasis it's the majority of the people using it.


Well, sort of. It's a downworld spiral. It's a crapsack world so people flee in to the Oasis thus making the real world more crap.


Should have deleted the Oasis video game and emancipated humanity... So people could live real lives...

But he was too much of a nerd and mentally a slave to video games and pop culture... The model of consumerist human that is encouraged these days...

Very dystopian and dark ending... Felt crushed leaving the cinema...


I can't say I felt crushed at the end, but I did find it sad that nothing about cleaning up the real world was addressed. In the past, a movie about an artificial virtual world that dominated society would end with that world being shut off and people being freed to experience reality. I think it is a commentary on our present society that the virtual world is only shown in a relatively positive light in Ready Player One.

Basically their whole world has become the messy basement apartment of a hopeless video game addicted nerd.


Imagine how much better off our world would be if the internet simply didn't work on Tuesday and Thursday. Now extrapolate that out to something as all-encompassing as OASIS. Hell, in a perfect world, the internet would work only on Monday.


I do get your idea of a disconnected world but I think the Oasis is pure entertainment, I don't think that would mirror to our real world complete Internet, since our Internet has serious uses like banking, education, health, communications, etc., all outside a pure entertainment use.

Now, if you could target only entertainment content in our Internet and only that didn't work certain days a week, that would be something worth trying maybe but we live in an extremely complex world where not everyone has the same weekdays and not everyone needs entertainment at the same time than others.
