thewaitress's Replies

I enjoyed the first one too. Interesting to hear about a sequel. I'll be excited whenever it comes out. :) No problem :) Yeah, I didn't even watch the promo because I like to see it all unfold naturally. I love Captain Lee though! He seems like a great guy. I'm sure I will :D I saw October 2nd on I've heard that :) I need to watch them soon, haven't watched any movies in a few days. Ah. I haven't seen those movies yet so I'll avoid any more spoilers. Thanks though for the link :) whoa. the fuck? is this from a movie or something? Whoa, hadn't seen anything like this. When does the new season start? Tyler Perry really irks me. ugh. I completely disagree with you about his personal life being correlated to his art. A songwriter can write a song about something they only read about, they don't have to experience in their real life. Naturally, it would make the song a little bit better if they do but not a necessary thing. Same thing with directors, filmmakers, actors, etc. His personal life is his. We live in this world now that makes it seem like we are entitled to comment on everything. We aren't. You wouldn't like it if every move, every decision, every little thing in your life was in the spotlight. Yes, I am indeed a woman, but thats about all I have in common with Bjork or any other hashtag me too victim. If these women or any woman out there is honestly raped or abused in some way, then I'm right behind you sister. That being said, SO MANY of these allegations are things that are blown so far out of portion. Someone petting my hair might make me uncomfortable but I wouldn't end a career over it. I wouldn't even think twice about it. I would ask the person to stop. If they didn't, then I would take the next step, whatever I thought made sense at the time. Depends on the situation. Actors do not tell stories. They act. They READ STORIES that directors and filmmakers create. Of course a director has every right to direct, sometimes that might mean he wants to get close to (*gasp*) a woman and instruct her on what she needs to do for the following scene. Knowing the real truth of this blown out nonsense, his hand probably brushed by her hair. Big deal. No, my mind will not change. True. Not True. I don't give a damn about his personal life. Unlike a lot of people in the world, I realize what woman are attempting to do. Its scary. I just hope that when shit hits the fan, the men remaining know I'm on their side. P.S. I LOVE hot dogs. I don't care what they are made of. Could be pink marshmallows, could be unused parts of a baby pig..this girl has to eat and hot dogs are cheap bud. always on the same page, df. I will crack up, haha. I've got a theory about Croft. Not only do I think he is YOUNG, maybe just turned 18 but.. He's full of shit. Nothing he says is or will ever be true and thats awesome, it works for him. I'm not the judging type. Yeah, he is. I've seen him shout a Roll Tide once or twice. Thank you! I'm so excited :D I don't think everyone is lol Alabama. ROLLLLLL TIDEEEEEE BABY! Haha, I was clueless. I'm much better at it now. Hoffman! I miss him so very much. Whenever I see him in a movie, I smile. I'm glad that I still have so many to see of his but sad that I can't see anything new. :( His death broke my heart. charliekelly told me about him several years ago and showed me a few of his movies. Its hard for me to think about Anton because I enjoyed him so much. I still need to watch some of his stuff soon.