dlancer's Replies

Yours and my post are the only ones on the first page made by leftists, and you posted yours after mine, the first time you posted in three days. Without those four posts, you'd see I was right. Did you decide to post just to make it look like lefties were creating OPs? Are you a troll? Don't act like your shit don't stink. I am very serious. When I made my post, there were zero posts by leftists on the first page. Then right after my post went up is when exithereplease posted four topics, his first time doing so in three days. Feel free to keep track of how many original posts are made by both sides. You will see I am right. Not sure how to go about that one. Capital gains tax is a tricky sucker with all the slippery enforcers behind it. The democratic party hasn't moved to the extreme. It's moved to the pre-Reagan era, also known as the FDR era. The Reagan era has somehow programmed conservatives into thinking the FDR era never existed. Even if you're not a Trumpanzee, and are a Reagan republican or Reagan democrat, chances are you will call the current crop of FDR democrats a bunch of extremists. That's the damage the Reagan era has caused. Either you support BLM or you oppose free speech. All BLM is responsible for is vitriol when a black person is killed usually by a cop. If a Muslim kills a Christian, and your local church says all Muslims are evil and want to kill all Christians in the streets, causing some of your neighbors to attack some Muslims at random, would that make your local church and everyone who attends it a terrorist organization? All you are doing here is labeling the messenger as a terrorist, which goes against free speech. Doesn't this remind you of a certain ex-president who told a lie that ended in violence? This sounds way too familiar. An individual comes up with a lie that claims someone else is up to no good when that someone else didn't do anything wrong. Another someone takes it upon themselves to commit an illegal assault in an attempt to correct the wrong that never occurred. If a brown girl does it, she should be punished, possibly deported... But if a white guy does it, he should run for re-election in 2024? Partially satisfied. Better than nothing for sure. I just wish it didn't always go down this road. The reason they weren't winterized is because of conservative deregulation. When it went badly, the conservative reaction was to lie by blaming it on the left for what conservatives did. It spread like wildfire throughout conservative media because that's what lies and misinformation does on those channels, because of the type of viewers that are so ready to eat it up and spew it as fact. I just wish a time would come when the conservative viewer would feel the need to stop and think before peddling the fake news. Anybody can call you a transphobe for any reason. It is their right, just as it is your right to call Elliot Page a "she." None of us have the right to avoid being offended, because we all have the right to offend others. And yet... here you are. You blamed the lack of power on renewable energy, and now you've pivoted to saying renewable energy is bad for the environment, perfectly in sync with the talking points of the oil industry. Getting back to your original error, why are conservatives so ignorant that they think wind turbines only exist in warm areas, and why don't conservatives realize wind turbines exist in colder areas that handle the freezing problem perfectly well? What's the error in the program that causes conservatives to be this way? Biden is just another guy in the chair. It's obvious your disdain is centered around the guy you like being kicked out, and it appears it's driven you to the point of madness. That is because of a lack of labels to describe genitalia. We label them as sex organs even if the chromosomes do not match. You seem to be continuing down the same path of alternative facts that put the conservative party in the predicament that it is in. The machines in the coal, gas and nuclear plants are experiencing the same freeze that the wind turbines are experiencing. Singling out wind turbines to "stick it to the libs" is avoiding reality, and avoiding reality is how millions of people bought into the idea that Donald J. Trump was a good president even during COVID-19. I get it that it's not entirely your fault though. It's Tucker and right-wing media peddling this alternate reality 24/7. It just sucks how easily you all go along with it even today. You are confusing personal offense with legality. You cannot be arrested for calling Elliot Page a "she" any more than I can be arrested for calling Ben Shapiro the same thing. You and I will always have the right to be offended by something. <blockquote>"Gender" is that it's not an empty label. It has consequences. You're a second rate male athlete, you label yourself a woman and bingo... you have acquired the right to participate in female competitions.</blockquote>"Gender" is just a label we attribute to sex depending on our own beliefs. "Sex" is a label obtained from biological science. "Gender" changes as society changes. "Sex" does not. <blockquote>"Gender" is that it's not an empty label. It has consequences. You're a second rate male athlete, you label yourself a woman and bingo... you have acquired the right to participate in female competitions.</blockquote>Actually, the label of "female" would bar anyone with a Y chromosome from participating in that sport. Female is a biological sex that only contains X's. The problem of men changing their gender to enter women's sports is easily fixed by women's sports changing their rules to be female only. It should've gotten him arrested, but we all know it doesn't work out that way for those with money. I see some calling for him to be banned now, but waiting until Jan 20th is the better decision. They've kept him active because of a special rule that the president shouldn't be banned. The rule made sense, and that is why I disagreed with Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris when they were calling for his twitter ban. Now of course that's assuming he continues on until Jan 20th just doing what he's currently doing. If he ramps it up to call for violence, then a ban should happen before Jan 20th. It's political. People love to be on teams that oppose one another. Both woke and anti-wokers ignore the science and nitpick little things to make their case, but they avoid getting to the bottom of how everything works. That's what you just did with suicide. The reason the wokers ultimately win is because science is technically on their side, but most of the wokers don't fully know why that is. And anti-wokers want to avoid it all together. All an anti-woker wants to see is trans people bad because suicide. And all a woker wants to see is trans people commit suicide because the world is against them. Now here comes the truth. Suicides affect trans people more not because they are transitioning, but because they have a gender identity disorder. This skyrockets in the teen years when you throw teenage hormones into the mix. Regardless, a person who thinks they are the opposite gender who does not make the transition is just as likely to commit suicide as one who does make the transition, perhaps even more so, because a person who does not make the transition could be in a social structure that disallows them from living the life they want. That lack of choice is also more prevalent in the teen years where you are forced to live at home and live by someone else's rules. Since you have a narrative against transitioning, you jump to the conclusion that it is that action that causes the suicide, and are convinced by your own bias to ignore what's at the core.