MovieChat Forums > Politics > The SCAM MAN being BANNED from TWITTER


On MSNBC they discussed how you aren't allowed to LIE like the SCAM MAN keeps doing ( such as when he FALSELY CLAIMS the ELECTION was FRAUDULENT).

And since anyone else is BANNED for posting LIES like this, the only reason why he's not been banned yet is because of his STATUS as POTUS ( which makes him a World Leader).

But all that ends on JAN 20TH, 2021 at which time TWITTER says the SCAM MAN can be BANNED.



Fantastic news!


Twitter was increasingly irrelevant until Trump started using it. He can go to Parler if banned and Twitter will return to its downward decline.




And Parler can be an incestuous cluster where the only people who engage there are deranged acolytes.
Sure that might move the needle but certainly nothing to be proud of.
If we are smart and fortunate, we'll step right over parler and progress to better government.
Hopefully not worse, which is a given with a rump paradigm.
Drain the Swamp? Replace it with Radioactive Pollution !!
And we are supposed to wonder why rump lost? He's a creep, and he proves it every freeking day.


I agree, he's a creep, a sleazebag, an egomaniac, a troll, etc, etc, but that's his bad side. His good side is actually putting American industry first, border control, the right to life, and pushing back the war machine industry.


If that's how you feel, fine. I don't see him that way at all. I don't think he has any agenda other than promoting himself and doesn't know how to create coalitions to really get things done. He's behind the curve when it comes to American industry. Saying coal is great is a losing argument, and he hasn't delivered any significant job growth in the industrial sector. I'm not saying it's easy but he's been very ineffective while bragging like he's a Savior.
And I don't buy this war machine industry part. I don't think he has enough conscience to actually care about the larger picture of America's military effect on the rest of the world. He just wants to posture and say one thing then do another. Promote the military while wanting to withdraw, put the National Guard on the streets where they aren't needed or wanted. He's just an unstable personality that can't be trusted.


Dems are the worst


I see some calling for him to be banned now, but waiting until Jan 20th is the better decision. They've kept him active because of a special rule that the president shouldn't be banned. The rule made sense, and that is why I disagreed with Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris when they were calling for his twitter ban.

Now of course that's assuming he continues on until Jan 20th just doing what he's currently doing. If he ramps it up to call for violence, then a ban should happen before Jan 20th.


Wouldn't a call to violence get him arrested? Or would the ban hurt more?


It should've gotten him arrested, but we all know it doesn't work out that way for those with money.


Then God says they have a worse fate with Him and they should have taken the punishment.


It’s amazing how much a certain political party supports banning things and censoring things they don’t like. Doesn’t sound very American to me.

Actually, it’s pathetic.

Maybe we should ban you next? You say things I don’t like.


No one cares what YOU don't like. You don't have basic human American values in mind.


Wow, that post went right over your head. πŸ™„

Basic American values or not, banning things is wrong, and supporting banning things simply because you don’t like what they have to say makes you a weak human being with no spine. People are going to say things in life you disagree with...their right to say those things is what makes this country great.

Dipshit liberal extremists don’t seem to be understanding that. They’re the most obnoxious group of people the world has ever seen, and they are out to ban everything under the sun...and once again, it’s wrong, and it’s pathetic.

But hey, at least they cured racism by banning Aunt Jemima syrup while they were burning down buildings, beating the shit out of innocent people, and taking shits on police cars over the summer.

I hate speaking in generalities, but in this case I have to...progressives are a laughing stock, and are the lowest form of human life we have.



NO ONE has the right to say things that are LIES.

That's why you can't YELL FIRE inside of a CROWDED THEATER if it's not TRUE. Because by doing so you could also cause a STAMPEED that could result in other people being KILLED.

So it's NOT a matter of whether or not you disagree or not, but a MATTER of whether or not what you say is THE TRUTH or not.

And saying things that are NOT TRUE is what makes the SCAM MAN who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY PATHETIC.

Because he's also running another SCAM now where he's getting STILL MORE SUCKERS to pay him MONEY for another BIG SCAM by claiming to have WON the ELECTION that he LOST to BIDEN.

That's what YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND is how others like YOU who BELIEVE his LIES are being SCAMMED by him.

And DEMOCRATS are also NOT the ones who are HELL BENT on FORCING their RELIGIOUS VIEWS and BELIEFS onto others the way that the REPUBLICANS keep doing by packing the COURTS with EXTREME RIGHT WINGERS who are ANTI ABORTION FANATICS and CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS etc.

Those ANTI SCIENCE groups are the ones out to BAN EVERYTHING including the HUMAN RACE by insisting upon OVER POPULATION of the PLANET and refusing to use GREEN ENERGY as a way to STOP the POLLUTION of the place.

And You can also THANK the KOCH BROTHERS for that kind of ATTITUDE who are also responsible for promoting ANTI CLIMATE CHANGE VIEWS (due to the way they got RICH from the OIL INDUSTRY that they're out to PROTECT by promoting views that DENY it exist).

Billionaire Conservative Donor David Koch, Who Funded ...
Aug 26, 2019 Β· The pair poured massive amounts of money into funding climate change denial through conservative think tanks and politicians. The Koch brothers founded the political advocacy group Americans …

β€œKochland” Examines the Koch Brothers’ Early, Crucial Role ...
Aug 13, 2019 Β·

Up to5%cash back
Β· A new book reveals that Charles Koch, along with his brother David, played an earlier and more central role in climate-change denial than was previously understood. Photograph by David Zalubowski /...
Author: Jane Mayer

Opinion | David Koch Was the Ultimate Climate Change ...
Aug 23, 2019 Β· Koch Industries financed a network of political activists in the form of Americans for Prosperity, to fight against any form of climate change legislation that would dampen the demand for oil…

In other words, the most obnoxious group is those RICH FAT CATS who pull the wool over the eyes of others like yourself by feeding you the same kind of PACK of LIES that the SCAM MAN is so found of promoting.



Apparently you have the freedom of speech to demonstrate what a loathsome example of homo sapiens you are.
Have at it. No one is stopping you here, but god help us when haters like you rule the country.


A β€œhater”? Lol.

Nah, I just despise people who shit all over freedom of speech. I feel strongly about that...much like you extreme liberals hate holidays, police officers, and basically the USA in general.

A certain group of people these days on the political spectrum are constantly trying to shut down freedom of speech because other people say things that β€œaren’t nice” and it hurts their delicate little feelings.

You know who these people are. You are one of them.


You have no freeking idea who I am, and that's indicative of why it's so easy for you to slam me with stupid affirmations -- because you can ! It's FOS, right? Just say any freeking stupid and offensive thing that comes to mind, and hide behind FOS. Talk about filth, next thing you'll be defending child rape as freedom of expression, you piece of garbage. I'm so sick of jerk-wads like you assuming they know how I feel and think. Eff you !




He'll then move to Parler and full on Newsmax/OAN to cement his televangelist kool-aid dosed base and earn more easy cash thereafter. We'll soon have only party based news on the right heavily induced with the blood of Jesus vs mainstream news.


Perhaps he'll simply follow the same PATHWAY as PALIN did ...

who appeared on the FOX PROPAGANDA channel for awhile (after she LOST the ELECTION as McCain's running mate) ...

then she also disappears after people got tired of listening to her ...

and FADED AWAY to where we almost never hear from her or about her anymore???

That's what I PREDICT will happen.

Because with the SCAM MAN being a LOSER, and with the DEMOGRAPHIC situation constantly changing, it's HIGHLY UNLIKELY the PARTY would be willing to allow him to RUN AGAIN and RISK his LOSING the NEXT ELECTION AGAIN.

Especially after the "CREEPY UNHINGED DELUSIONAL" way that he's been behaving now ever since he LOST the ELECTION and then keeps insisting that he's WON IT (no matter how many times other JUDGES and ELECTION OFFICIALS keep saying that there's ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of this and it's nothing more than DISINFORMATION to keep insisting that's the case).

In other words, he's also RUINED his REPUTATION by being this RIDICULOUS and STUBBORN, which also makes it UNLIKELY the PARTY would SUPPORT him again if he tries to RUN again in 2024.

And that's why one also suspects that his PATHWAY into the FUTURE will be VERY MUCH the same as the one PALIN pursued ...

who "once upon a time" was also WORSHIPED and ADORED by other people who now also no longer give a HOOT about her anymore.

TIME TELLS if this PREDICTION will be right or not.

We'll see.



Can Democrat take a step back and imagine if social media sites were banning people for bringing up Russian collusion or if someone questioned trumps legitimacy?


FYI, the Russians were involved in the 2016 election.
You must have forgotten


Can you remind me and list the physical ways Russia was involved?


The GIST of it is this:

PUTIN is a BRUTAL DICTATOR who POISONS and JAILS anyone who runs for office against him or says and does anything that he doesn't like (much like the way the SAUDI PRINCE also kills the other JOURNALIST and has him DISMEMBERED). Plus he also feeds the RUSSIAN population with LIES and other MISINFORMATION.

The SCAM MAN also wants to JAIL anyone who runs for office against him (LOCK her UP CHANTS), and he also INCITES a MOB to attack the US CAPTIAL where a COP was BEATEN and POISONED to death with some BEAR SPRAY by one of the SCAM MAN's RED HAT wearing TERRORIST FANATICS.

In other words, THE SCAM MAN (who ran the FAKE UNIVERSITY and the FAKE CHARITY) uses the same SLEAZY kind of TACTICS as PUTIN does as a way to try to GET HIS WAY by feeding LIES and INFORMATION to people about how he WON the ELECTION when he did not.

And he also PUBLICALLY stood there BEGGING RUSSIA to hand over INFO to him as a way to HELP HIM win the 2016 ELECTION, which then leads to the HACKED WINKI-LEAKS info being released (which also PARALLELS what TRICKY DICK NIXON did back during the WATERGATE SCANDAL).

And then he's also IMPEACHED a 2nd TIME for trying to FORCE the LEADER in UKRAINE to DIG UP DIRT for him on BIDEN which didn't exist, before he later THREATENS the SECRETARY of STATE in GEORGIA to RIG the ELECTION for him or else face consequences from him if he DID NOT find another 11,000 votes for him that also DID NOT EXIST.



He's publicly admired Putin. Does this not mean anything to the American freedom fighters?


When you say "freedom fighters" are you attempting to WHITE WASH the situation by referring to those DOMESTIC TERRORIST who PLANTED BOMBS at both the REBULICAN and DEMOCRATIC offices, and attacked the CAPITAL where they also planned on HANGING MIKE PENSE and KILLING NANCY, but instead of being able to do that they killed the other POLICE OFFICER, along with BEATING UP and causing INJURY to 140 other officers (which also included POKING OUT the EYE of another OFFICER)???

Plus one of those TERRORIST also STOLE NANCY's LAP TOP and tried to SELL IT to the RUSSIANS. And since NO ONE KNOWS what's happened to it, that may also mean the RUSSIANS now have it in their possession.

Calling a group of TRAITORS like that such a name is HARDLY ACCURATE. Imo, They're in the same category as TIMOTHY who blew up the FEDERAL BUILDING in OKLAHOMA killing HUNDREDS of people including SEVERAL CHILDREN that were there in DAY CARE at the time.

Since TIMOTHY was EXECUTED for that CRIME, the rest of these other TERRORIST who wanted to HANG MIKE PENSE and kill other members of CONGRESS should also be EXECUTED as well.


I think you missed my irony when I mentioned American "freedom" fighters.

I think the rump cult and all the rest of the previously disgusting pub party are now irredeemable for their complicity in this high-jacking of American values and independent thought.

For them, having Independent Thought means pissing off the rest of us with garbage theories and sophist arguments. Not trying to create community and having shared values.
They constantly push the extreme so as to make it the norm, but it's NOT.

It's a LIE they continually push as being real.

It's not.


Sorry snepts, yes I did miss the IRONIC tone of your message. If you want to hear something else IRONIC, On MEET the PRESS they also played a clip where someone at that CPAC meeting (where they also parade around the GOLDEN CALF STATUE of the SCAM MAN) called the party in opposition to them SHEEP.

So while they WORSHIP their GOLDEN CALF like a bunch of SILLY BRAIN DEAD SHEEP, they also accuse others of being the way that they are themselves!!!



How many Democrats banned on social media for bringing up election fraud?

How many news outlets talking about the 2020 election investigation?

Democrats are silencing people.

The Democrats even want to completely get rid of their media competition.

And the America people still believe those nice old women vote counters who went on tv and said boxes of Biden votes felt different, made from different paper, folded differently.
And mail in voting was something both sides use to agree was unsecure


Votes fell different
Fantastic defense!
Better Call Rudy!!


Along with the dominion voting machines being left online when they were supposed to be taken off. Google.
Or just the same defense Democrats and Republicans agreed on for years. Mail in voting is not secure. Plenty of video of Democrats flipping their script on the issue. 10 years ago they said different.

But the one thing that made the Democrats finalize their guilt.
The investigation lasted days. Those women were not properly interviewed and sworn in to testify to irregular ballots.
The dominion machines were never given enough time to investigate.
The message was move on, we don't want to hear about election fraud again.
Ban anyone on social media who says so.
Do not let tv media report such things.
Almost to a threatening level.

Which is weird because the Democrat Russia collusion accusal, they investigated and dug for a year. The media constantly brought up the subject.


61 cases thrown out.
They had nothing


How long were these cases and the investigations leading up to them?
Democrats control the courts .
Just like how prosecutors and judges refuse to charge BLM


No no no
They were Trump appointed judges


And not everyone trump hired was loyal to the conservative party. Especially judges they are very liberal. A pact


I'd treat them the same way I treat right wing news sites who refuse to acknowledge reality and peddle their own brand of BS.
I completely ignore them because I have no desire to be on those sites.


Can you give me an example of what right wing news lies about?

I think of reporters calling protest peaceful with businesses burning in the background. That's a clear lie.

Or when the left wing media reported a story that a capital officer was killed by being struck in the head with a fire extinguisher.


There’s no hope for you


Can you have a dialogue and give me an example?

Did you know the Democrats doctored evidence in the recent trump impeachment?


Please.. you bought into that also?!


They re arranged dates.
Used old photos.
And the leader John Sullivan got how much from cnn?
A lie , man are you blind.



What is it about political extremimists that they cant just use an opposing person or partys name without spitting on it by using a childish pun (e.g. "libtards") or in this case just outright swapping it out for their own personal nickname that means fuck all to anyone else?

