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dlancer (2036)
Gender and Biological Sex
The truth about Trumpism
Where's the claim of voter fraud in Arizona?
My all-in-one guaranteed solution to the Wall issue.
Stephen Miller continutes to prove he's a complete idiot
Just a thought. Was Nostradamus Correct?
ELECTION FRAUD in North Carolina...
Fox News' morning show nitwits get caught repeating Scott Pruitt's propaganda
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Yours and my post are the only ones on the first page made by leftists, and you posted yours after mine, the first time you posted in three days.
Without those four posts, you'd see I was right. Did you decide to post just to make it look like lefties were creating OPs? Are you a troll? Don't act like your shit don't stink.
I am very serious.
When I made my post, there were zero posts by leftists on the first page. Then right after my post went up is when exithereplease posted four topics, his first time doing so in three days.
Feel free to keep track of how many original posts are made by both sides. You will see I am right.
Not sure how to go about that one. Capital gains tax is a tricky sucker with all the slippery enforcers behind it.
The democratic party hasn't moved to the extreme. It's moved to the pre-Reagan era, also known as the FDR era. The Reagan era has somehow programmed conservatives into thinking the FDR era never existed.
Even if you're not a Trumpanzee, and are a Reagan republican or Reagan democrat, chances are you will call the current crop of FDR democrats a bunch of extremists. That's the damage the Reagan era has caused.
Either you support BLM or you oppose free speech. All BLM is responsible for is vitriol when a black person is killed usually by a cop.
If a Muslim kills a Christian, and your local church says all Muslims are evil and want to kill all Christians in the streets, causing some of your neighbors to attack some Muslims at random, would that make your local church and everyone who attends it a terrorist organization?
All you are doing here is labeling the messenger as a terrorist, which goes against free speech.
Doesn't this remind you of a certain ex-president who told a lie that ended in violence?
This sounds way too familiar. An individual comes up with a lie that claims someone else is up to no good when that someone else didn't do anything wrong. Another someone takes it upon themselves to commit an illegal assault in an attempt to correct the wrong that never occurred.
If a brown girl does it, she should be punished, possibly deported...
But if a white guy does it, he should run for re-election in 2024?
Partially satisfied. Better than nothing for sure. I just wish it didn't always go down this road. The reason they weren't winterized is because of conservative deregulation. When it went badly, the conservative reaction was to lie by blaming it on the left for what conservatives did. It spread like wildfire throughout conservative media because that's what lies and misinformation does on those channels, because of the type of viewers that are so ready to eat it up and spew it as fact.
I just wish a time would come when the conservative viewer would feel the need to stop and think before peddling the fake news.
Anybody can call you a transphobe for any reason. It is their right, just as it is your right to call Elliot Page a "she." None of us have the right to avoid being offended, because we all have the right to offend others.
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