makdog65's Replies

Natural beauty trumps (I need to stop using that word) plastic every time. They were both lovely and I enjoyed watching them. Not that I noticed. But she was very good overall. You brought up good points. Benoit should have turned himself in, if for no other reason to save his wife from being tortured. Parts of the movie were implausible...Madeline being allowed to visit Lucille right after her husband killed a German officer...that Lucille would think she could make it to Paris with Benoit in the trunk...the MIL leaving Lucille alone in the house with Bruno...the Germans didn't occupy the house the MIL rented out to the Jewish mother and daughter. I still enjoyed it though. Thought the first 10 minutes we well done, realistic family scene. went downhill fast. I don't even know how it ended. She looked! Thanks for pointing that out. The two of them in the cave.