I DID NOT LIKE the character of Benoit Labarie at all
On account of this one guy no less than four people died: Among them one German officer and two enlisted man as well as a Frenchman who happens to be the town mayor and a viscount no less. He must have known that it's the Germans' practice to take and shoot hostages unless the perpetrator turns himself in. Why didn't he turn himself in? After all he was the one who started the whole thing by stealing the mayor's chicken and menacing his wife when she caught him in the act. He was the one who did not turn in firearm when everyone else in the town did--endangering the whole townspeople by association in case the gun was ever to be used against one of more of the Germans (which is indeed what happened).
The German officer fancying his wife?--Well, so what! Was it so much of a 'war crime' to be killed on account of? He did not even rape her, which he could have done and got away with very easily !!!!!
This guy used the people around him (including the female and male protagonists) and not only did nothing in return for them but even screwed up their life. What a selfish ***hole. Is "Benoit" a Jewish name, by the way? (I do know 'Saul' is a Jewish name, though.)