MovieChat Forums > kuku > Replies

kuku's Replies

[i]So, just to recap your thoughts: You think...[/i] Straw-man fallacy WARNING ^_^ Values don't need to be massively different. Spain and Germany have values that are not massively different. Germany has about 80 Nobel prizes in scientific fields. Spain has 2. And the southern part of Spain has 0 (zero). Latin America inherited the culture from southern Spain. Some times small changes in beliefs have huge consequences, a bit like the Butterfly effect. Get out of your room. Travel. Meet people. Perhaps then you will appreciate what you had in your country, and at least you can enjoy the last decades before it vanishes. Right NOW, non-hispanic whites newborns are less than 50% in US. And the difference will keep growing: And that's without taking into account immigration, almost entirely hispanic, that won't stop in a near future. This is the comical side of it: modern US is already DEAD. It's just a matter of time before it becomes a latin-american country. You only have to check demographics+immigration. But you're so scared that you keep in self-denial, telling yourself that nothing will change. And you're scared because you know it's too late, and you know your values and your country are already DEAD :DDD At least it's something comical to watch and laugh, everything has a positive side ^_^ Not a hater at all. But understand, when a society is so committed with self-destruction, it's so comical that it needs to be enjoyed. As Mark Twain said, comedy is tragedy plus time. And here you have both ingredients. [i]You're forgetting about all the Americans who still believe in our values, and are armed to the fucking teeth[/i] You know what? All those Americans will become OLD and will DIE and will leave not many children after then. The future of US is hispanic, and all those Americans will be less and less until there will be a moment when they will do NOTHING because they won't be enough to do anything but watch. ^_^ [i]And what are those? The values that created countries that people are risking their lives to flee from?[/i] Exactly. The values that created those countries, and the values that rule those countries and societies. At least, the common elements. Your grand-children will enjoy living in a country that will be like the average of countries like Mexico, Venezuela or Colombia. I'm sure they will enjoy it a lot :DDD [i]Because our values, and this country, are worth protecting.[/i] You can protect them as much as you want. That'll change nothing. You know what happens? US is a democracy, and the moment you're the minority, it's THEIR rules that prevail, not yours. White non-hispanic newborns are already less than 50%. That means that white non-hispanic will be the minority in a few decades from now. Your values are DEAD, even though you don't know it yet. The future of US will be based in hispanic values ^_^ The problem is that US has an open borders policy. Even under Trump, the borders are far more open than almost any country in the world. And that applies specially to the south border. You can have an open borders policy or a huge wall and no exceptions allowed. You can have a open room with no borders. That's up to you. But then, look at the south and start counting people, because it's not your room anymore, it's a global room, and now you belong to the minority. Enjoy it ^^ I added Brasil, which was already included. So, well, it's around 700 millions. The same questions applies: how is that a "minority" compared to 200 millions of yankees/canadians? The prequel trilogy was a very flawed one, but after watching the new SW. 1 Lucas did something new, he didn't copy-pasted his old trilogy. 2 Lucas didn't use the prequel to push down the throat a political agenda. Nothing like a new boss to appreciate the old boss... cherry picking??? dear god... He clearly stated that everything related to his character was wrong, up to the point of imagining it was a new character to play. Of course, he supported the movie because not doing so would bring a very nice lawsuit from Disney. So it was a kind of "[i]yeah, everything is wrong, but you know, I support it very much[/i]". True enthusiasm :D I suppose that was the idea. Not sure Hamill is gonna agree, though. Mark Hamill... and "enthusiastic statements"??? He even said that he imagined the character wasn't really Luke, but a different one, let's say Jake, because it just didn't make any sense. If that's a "enthusiastic statement", well... I can't imagine what he should say to be considered as negative statement ^^ In the American continent there's about 1000 million of latinos and 200 million of yankees/canadians, but for some reason latinos are called "minority"... It makes sense, the death looks like a last minute scene. They only get 50% from that $1b. And then you have to pay the cost of the movie, marketing, and so on. Let's say they get a $200-300 million benefit, perhaps $400 million, depending on how much the movie makes in January. They paid $4,000 to buy the Star Wars franchise, plus (growing) loan interests. Yeap, it's a financial failure.