MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > I Wonder if Mark Hamill Refused to Retur...

I Wonder if Mark Hamill Refused to Return for Episode 9...

...and that's why they killed him so abruptly? It didn't really make much sense in the movie. We think he's going to die, then it turns out to be a trick and he survives, and we're like, yay, Luke is back, and then... he just randomly dies for no apparent reason. Um, bye Luke? Pretty pathetic sendoff for such an iconic character.

It would have made better dramatic sense for Luke to survive and be around for the start of the next movie so he could have a few more scenes and a proper sendoff. (They're going to have enough trouble filling out the runtime already!) I wonder if MH just refused to come back after seeing their treatment of Luke and they were forced to kill him off hastily.



It makes sense, the death looks like a last minute scene.


Luke is going be in IX probably a fair bit. It won't surprise me if his force ghost has another light sabre duel with KyloRen


I suppose that was the idea.

Not sure Hamill is gonna agree, though.


Actors often show up to premieres, do the talk show circuit and post enthusiastic statements on social media when they have "refused to come back". Do you have any critical reasoning skills?


He has fulfilled his media obligations for THIS movie, that doesn't mean he might not have refused to come back for another, dumbass.


Mark Hamill... and "enthusiastic statements"???

He even said that he imagined the character wasn't really Luke, but a different one, let's say Jake, because it just didn't make any sense. If that's a "enthusiastic statement", well... I can't imagine what he should say to be considered as negative statement ^^


He said he regretted that off the cuff remark and expressed his unreserved support for how the film turned out. He even chastised those implying Disney bullied him in to renouncing the original statement. None of that suggests someone who is washing their hands of the franchise. It's also not like he has prospects of a career outside of Star Wars this late in life.

You are just cherry-picking information to support the pointless speculation.


Right...he tried to unring the bell...shoot the milk back up the tit...and some fools believe it LOL...


Sorry to interject logic into this baseless conspiracy theory. Carry on with God's work.


cherry picking???

dear god...

He clearly stated that everything related to his character was wrong, up to the point of imagining it was a new character to play. Of course, he supported the movie because not doing so would bring a very nice lawsuit from Disney. So it was a kind of "yeah, everything is wrong, but you know, I support it very much". True enthusiasm :D
