pinkled5's Replies

If that's what you think, then you don't understand what suspension of disbelief is. No, I'm saying it broke my suspension of disbelief. I don’t know what a “marveltard” is. I imagine it’s something you call people you disagree with for lack of a better response. If you are primarily interested in visuals and stylistic presentation then Zack Snyder is your guy. Me, I'm not a fan of his. Worse garbage does not make other garbage more palatable. It's all speculation, man. Sorry, bad movies in popular franchises don't fail or bomb (with very few exceptions). Look at Batman vs Superman, for example. That movie made bank and it was universally panned. Fans will pay to see it regardless of what critics or viewers report. Interesting list. There will be many different opinions, of course, but one thing that most people agree on is that all the prequels were garbage, including Revenge of the Sith. The Perfect Storm - The storm wins in the end. Who says it has to be lit up to be active? I understand the time stone and reality stone must be activated to use, but whose to say the power stone isn't an "always on" effect? "It was an attempt to deter people from seeing the movie since it was huge competition for Solo" Wait, that doesn't make any sense. They're owned by the same studio. [url][/url] There, fixed it. Cuz then they have to pay two actors. Saw the first show on Thursday night before opening day, so spoilers were impossible! However, on our way out of the theater I did realize we were talking about the movie as we walked past the line of people waiting for the next show. I had to hush myself and my kids to make sure we didn't spoil anything. Hope we didn't. I think he foresaw Tony Stark's role in the fall of Thanos and used the time stone to bargain for his life. So it had less to do with the time stone and more to do with Ironman. Dude, Hugo Weaving didn't want to sit through hours of makeup for what amounts to a cameo. I don't blame him. "Thanos WITHOUT the Infinity Gaunlet is super strong, so strong that he beats and scares Hulk." Thanos had the Infinity Gauntlet when he beat the Hulk, he just didn't have all the stones yet. He did have the power stone though, which probably explains why he was able to do it so easily. If a character's actions bother you that's just the way it is. I'm going through that with Lost in Space right now. Friends and co-workers insisted that I watch it because of how good it is but I couldn't get past episode 2. The characters are behaving in eye-rolling ways and I can't stand it. I'm done with that show. To each their own, I guess. Call it what you want. Artistic value aka good storytelling and character development. I think you confused me with somebody else.