What world are you living in? You really believe that Disney will soon decide that the no. 1 and no. 7 highest-grossing films of all time were dismal flops, and must be branded as mistakes? Keep on dreaming, baby.
Beyond that, you've also got the ratings systems backwards.
Cinemascore is literally the only system that can't be gamed. They ask people walking out of a theater who have just seen the film what they thought of it. It is impossible to vote twice, and it is impossible to vote for a film you have not seen. The sample size is enough to give an accurate gauge: margin of error is considered to be 6%.
Rotten Tomatoes, meanwhile, is the least trustworthy of the trio you bring up. It is the most easily gamed of all. One can quite simply program a bot to vote 100,000 times for the same film. It's meaningless, especially for a film like The Last Jedi that had an ardent group of detractors openly lobbying the public to go to RT and vote multiple 1-star scores.
IMDB is open to fraudulent voting, though not as much as RT.
The only inarguably un-faked ways to gauge the film are:
Critical response: 91% considered it a good film
Cinemascore: given an A by viewers
Box Office: $620 million domestic (7th all-time), $1.3 billion globally (11th all-time)
You are a delusional member of a tiny minority.
Me? I didn't even like it that much. I'd have given it a B- had I been given a Cinemascore report card to fill out, but I'm baffled by people like you who can't see reality through all their hatred.