MovieChat Forums > DarthRoger > Replies
DarthRoger's Replies
I don't blame Affleck, just like I don't hold Cavill or Gal Gadot responsible for the Hindenburg that was BVS. However I hardly think Affleck was "the best" Batman, as some have argued. I'll take Michael Keaton's and Christian Bale's performances over Affleck's.
I don't care as I really don't like Agents of Shield.
Netflix's Marvel shows - Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Defenders were all far superior to any season of Agents of Shield. It's a true loss that they got cancelled, even though we are getting a Jessica Jones, Season 3.
Maybe they gave Agents of Shield a different timeline so they can finally kill the show. Good riddance, I say.
With Disney though, who knows?
I am so happy to see someone post this because I've NEVER understand the hate for this movie. When it came out, it seemed that all the critics wanted to pout about was that Bryan Singer didn't direct it. And while I'm not a huge fan of Brett Ratner, he did a fine job with this movie. Hell, the script he used was 2/3rds written before he even took charge of the project!
The other constant (and stupid) bitching used about this movie, is the tired "there's not enough character development" line. The two previous movies gave us ample character development. If they spent time on developing a background story on every mutant, these movies would be 4 hours long! What we needed in the third X-Men movie was some kick-ass battles, which we got! I loved how Magneto finally got unleashed in this movie and got to show what a powerful badass he can be and the whole Dark Phoenix storyline was fine. By the way, Ian McKellan is still the best Magneto, in my view.
People need to get a grip! Not every X-Men movie is going to be X-2, just like every Batman movie isn't going to be The Dark Night, or every Star Wars movie isn't going to be The Empire Strikes Back.
X-3: The Final Stand was a solid, enjoyable movie with great action and a decent story.
It could beat Avatar but it might come up short. Whether it does or not, no one can deny it will likely hold the status of highest grossing superhero movie for a long time. I still think it will beat Avatar though.
I sadly have to agree. It's the worst MCU movie, in my estimation. Whedon just "phoned it in" so to speak and the personality of Ultron is just far to comical to take him seriously as a mega villain. I'm so grateful they replaced Whedon with the Russo brothers!
Interesting question. Who knows?
I believe that the Disney/Marvel will have to do some essential things to ensure the continuation of the franchise success.
Here are my bullet points for them:
1. Have a blueprint going forward - Choose what direction the franchise should go now, like Feige has done so well before
2. Good and fresh storytelling - They still have great characters (ex-Guardians, BP, Doc Strange), just need good scripts
3. Create some new twists - Perhaps surprising the audience more with unexpected but welcome story swerves
4. Stay away from social issues - It's a recipe for disaster if the MCU bows to the SJW crowd. Keep your fan base united
5. Continue to make good casting choices - overall the MCU has done a great job here, with only a few missteps
Now given everything I've outlined here, I think the biggest hole the MCU will have to fill is the departure of Robert Downey Junior. He has been - hands down - the soul of the MCU and they are going to have to make sure he's replaced with a strong actor/actress who can carry a franchise the way he did. Let's face it, nobody is like RDJ. He ate up every second of screen time in all the movies (10 where he played either Iron Man, Tony Stark or both) and had a presence that no other character has had. The need to choose wisely in this regard.
Even with everything, it will be very hard to reel off another 22 movie franchise that has had this much success, even if you call it a continuation of the MCU but man... what a freaking ride!!!
I agree with you FilmBuff. It was a MARVELOUS conclusion and certainly a fitting end to one of the best comicbook villains ever brought to life on the big screen. Props to Josh Brolin on his magnificent performance!
If they are so upset, here's an idea - go and create your own damn characters and make them as flamboyantly gay as you want.
In all the time I've been watching the MCU, not a single character ever made a big deal about their sexual preference and who would have cared, as their sexual preference isn't pertinent to the story. Yet that's not good enough for people who want an over-the-top character to supposedly "represent" their worldview and values.
So since they aren't happy with anything, my advice is to go and create Rainbow Man or Rainbow Woman or Captain X-Y Chromosome or whatever name you want to give them and go gay all day! Damn... there's no pleasing such people.
Well I think the reason the screen writers went in a different direction was the lack of chemistry between Sharon and Steve. I mean, on the whole it was a lot better than the chemistry (or lack thereof) between Jane and Thor but it was still a bit contrived. I also think that Feige and company always planned for Cap to end up with Peggy in some way, so I'm pretty happy with his conclusion. Peggy Carter was also just a more interesting character than Sharon Carter.
I'm sure being a preachy Stalinist progressive that equates fans disliking the Captain Marvel movie to members of the "reich" makes you feel all warm inside about yourself, however the fact of the matter is the character wasn't that loved by comicbook readers nor known by most of the general viewing public.
You can make an argument about her character being wooden or not very interesting but then whether you make that argument honestly, you can still be branded by posters like you as being right-wring kooks.
Name calling. Yeah, that's real progressive and mature!
I didn't see the movie myself, because I didn't appreciate the attitude or statement of the actress and because the movie just looked boring to me. That's my right as a consumer and you and any number of Beta males hoping to get in Gloria Steinem's pants can't change it.
Because Superman is an original character (golden age) who might be all powerful but doesn't come across as an arrogant a-hole. He's still got personality and humility, the two key ingredients that Captain Marvel lacks.
The word that I've heard from various media sources going forward, is that Marvel/Disney is going to focus on standalone movies for a while. They're making good points as to why though. After such a sprawling saga as the Infinity Wars, they want to give fans time to absorb and appreciate single moves themes before they take on a new long range story arch that involves several movies.
I think this is a smart move. You don't want fans to become complacent by doing the same things again and again. Doctor Who started doing season long story archs during the Matt Smith era (the crack in time) and by the time Peter Capaldi took over, it was a stale routine.
Well that comment speaks volumes because I didn't see Captain Marvel and I didn't think she was all that likeable in Endgame!
I never thought much of her in the 90's. She was just a body with a smile. Her acting ability was subpar at best, so I get that she had to go with what she had to make it in Hollywood. Still, I'm indifferent to her. She's had a career, so that's a lot more than a lot of would-be actresses and actors can say.
It was perfect! At the theater where I first saw the movie, audiences cheered loudly at that moment and I was muttering YES! under my breath.
Such a cool moment and fitting finish to Tony's story arch as Iron Man. His recorded farewell message was also a tear jerker!
For me, it was the first time in all the MCU movies that Pepper wasn't a whiny annoyance, lecturing Tony about "being safe" and pressuring him to give up the Iron Man mantle. Her character seemed to have come to terms with who Tony was, maybe as a result of the horror she felt when 3.5 billion people just disappeared. Whatever her motivation, it was the absolute first time [since her intro in Iron Man] that Pepper Potts didn't make me want to shout "Go fetch some coffee and STFU!"
Bravo to the screenwriters for finally making Pepper a more balanced and interesting person by Endgame.
I have seen all MCU movies at the theater on opening night, save three - Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World and Captain Marvel.
I was out of town during the premier of the first two and saw them at a later date. I refused to watch Captain Marvel as I don't like either the character or the actress.
I definitely think that Joe and Anthony Russo deserve to be considered the best CBM directors of all time.
It's a tough one. Sam Rami made some fantastic Spider-man movies but he's a director with a myriad of interests and I think he still prefers the horror genre. Christopher Nolan made the absolutely best Batman movies, yet he's stated that he's pretty much done with superheros. So when you consider that the Russo's are both big comicbook guys, I think you have to give them the nod. They did make four of the best damn MCU movies - Winter Soldier, Civil War (personal favorite), Infinity War and Endgame. Those are all great entries and since they're towards the end of a movie saga that spans all the way back to the first Avengers movie and the intro of Thanos, I think that accomplishment speaks volumes.
Has nothing to do with my feelings. It's about the juvenile comments Cameron has made about Marvel movies, the Wonder Woman and Aquaman movies. I've supplied the links if you'd like to reference these remarks. They're pretty asinine.
I'd vote for that idea!