MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > I thought the hate for Captain Marvel wa...

I thought the hate for Captain Marvel was ridiculous... until I saw Endgame.

She's too OP, man.

She looked out of place here. She flew in as if she were Superman.

I didn't watch her solo movie, by the way. I'm waiting for the home release.


She's supposed to be that powerful , i think they actually nerfed her a bit in the movies , you be shocked to learn all her powers and abilties


She's Marvel's Superman, actually.


No, not really even close.

Her power set is actually not even Thor level in the comics.

She’d be somewhere between Wonder Man and Nova/Richard Rider.


I'm not saying they're the same. But... super strength, speed, can fly, energy projection and absorption... reading about her powers, it seems a fair comparison to make. I've checked some vs. threads and many people think she would win in a fight against Superman.


I get what you're saying. Makes sense.

Although, anyone who goes back further than 2000 following Marvel will never view her that way. It's almost like comparing Quicksilver to Flash, or Batman to Captain America. Sure, it makes sense on the surface, but one clearly still has an advantage over the other.

For a short time in the early 80's Carol went by the name Binary. At this time she controlled the power of a cosmic phenomenon called a 'white hole' ...which made her capable of generating the power of a star. This version of Carol would be equal to (probably greater than?) Superman.

The MCU version of Captain Marvel is significantly amped over the comic book basically gives her the Binary powers, on top of her standard 'high meta' class abilities.


For a short time in the early 80's Carol went by the name Binary. At this time she controlled the power of a cosmic phenomenon called a 'white hole' ...which made her capable of generating the power of a star.

The MCU version of Captain basically gives her the Binary powers

Yes, she was generating star power right there in the movie. It's shown. She damn near turns into a solar flare when she fights.

So the complaint here is that Captain Marvel is accurate to a comic book version of her.


And yet she was still barely in the movie... But oh she must be hated, right?


She was way more likeable in Endgame than in her own movie.


Well that comment speaks volumes because I didn't see Captain Marvel and I didn't think she was all that likeable in Endgame!


I disagree-- she was funny and engaging in her solo film, and really nailed the duality it offered. She's human, but has no memory of her time on earth, and has been a part of the Kree army for as long as she remembers. Watching her move from single-focused Kree soldier to complex and emotional human over the course of the film was powerful, and she came across as very likable as she progressed.


Why would Captain Marvel's alleged OP in Avengers Endgame be a reason to Hate the character? That seems a bit irrational and truth be told her entrance against Thano's mothership was rather gloriously done.


Seriously, if you want to hate the character, hate her for being an annoying asshole like everyone else does.


Seriously, if you want to hate the character, hate her for being an annoying asshole like everyone else does.
I saw Captain marvel and for me neither the character called Captain Marvel nor the actor Brie Larson did anything annoying or acted like an "asshole".

What did the character do, "In your own opinion" that warranted you saying she was annoying and an "Asshole"?

Sharing is caring.


I have been posting responses to the numerous LUDICROUS sexist posts from allseeingi, but I am betting neither of us will get responses.

Judging by the low post count, it's just another troll account.


if you want to hate the character, hate her for being an annoying asshole

Tony Stark is BELOVED for being an annoying asshole!

You incel misogynists are hilarious.

So blind, every single one of you. Just BLIND.


I was shocked at how small her role in Endgame was. I know the main purpose was to wrap up other story arcs (Cap, Tony) but I still expected her to get 2-3 times the screentime she was given.


That's such a weird reason to hate her. DC fans don't hate Superman.


Because Superman is an original character (golden age) who might be all powerful but doesn't come across as an arrogant a-hole. He's still got personality and humility, the two key ingredients that Captain Marvel lacks.


Pump the hate breaks, Argentina.

So you came to the conclusion that the hate surrounding Captain Marvel (it is BEYOND ridiculous), hate that was being spread all over the internet MONTHS well before her solo film was ever released, only exists because she is... too overpowered?!? Fella, quit lying to yourself. Now!

I can tell you the real reason this character, her movie, and the actress playing her is being ridiculously hated.... lowlife reich wing incel dweebs - a few masking themselves as the opposite -crying over the fierce and welcomed anti-white bro power agenda—an agenda luckily most movie audiences approve of... but there is no point in it. You’ll believe what you want to believe.

Just to be “fair” though, are there some who genuinely found CM disappointing- they weren’t infuriated by the film dealing with themes the reich is against - and found her too OP and, ugh, wooden? Perhaps. But I’m afraid most constructive criticism gets/has been overshadowed by chuds and their bs hate campaigning against Captain Marvel/Brie “she won’t be held back” Larson. Many said chuds dedicated to pushing false narratives are, of course, making her unmatched powers out to be a big issue. (Good, good. Keep the toxic masculinity butthurt going and keep throwing baby tantrums over “forced” diversity and such. You want things to be the way they used to be back in ‘em good ol’ days? Gawd, u suckas are so hypocritically PC. Glad yer whining means nothing to H town.)

But yo, it’s not like Kevin Feige didn’t warn us when he now famously said over a year ago that Captain Marvel was “BY FAR” going to be the strongest hero the MCU has ever seen. Evidently he was right. Whincel butthurtness aside, should she being the MCU’s so-called Superman really be that much of an issue? Meh. These days so many complain about certain fictional characters being too OP, and frankly the more I see complaints like this, the more I WELCOME these “inexplicable” OP characters. To me, it’s all about execution. This is the first time we’ve someone like Captain Marvel in the MCU, after all.

“There’s no mystery with her being OP! It’s boring to see someone this powerful!” Sure, she probably didn’t even break a sweat MARVELOUSLY bringing down that massive ship. And as it turns out, she more than proved to be a match for Thanos. Nonetheless, it’s not like she completely stopped Thanos all by herself. Thanos had a very difficult time keeping up with her (it was excellent!), although she did not 100% walk all over him. When she faced him there was still a struggle, and overall they did a good job building suspense when it came to these two titans coming face to face.

At any rate, no matter how powerful, Carol is by no means flawless as a character/person. She can be a great and interesting character (already is in my mind) regardless of how little trouble she has going up against threats all The Avengers would have a hard time dealing with. Besides, she perhaps will be running into trouble in future films. And remember, Feige himself clearly stated that no character in this universe is going to be without their flaws.

All this hate exists because she is too OP tho... I’m deadpan laughing over here! Can’t wait to see more of Carol Danvers.


How come your opinion is fine and accepted but someone who disagrees with you or dislkes the movie and/or actress they are as you so eloquently stated "lowlife reich wing incel dweebs", not very original by the way.

I disagree with almost everything you wrote but unlike you i'm not going to insult you or anyone else who disagrees with me.

That is because i will reply with articulated arguments and rebuttals not whatever insults the media is pushing unlike yourself and everyone like you. Someone disagrees with you, you call them an "Incel", it means nothing and holds no value.

I remember when disagreeing with someone was called a differing opinion, remmber that next time you insult someone.


I'm sure being a preachy Stalinist progressive that equates fans disliking the Captain Marvel movie to members of the "reich" makes you feel all warm inside about yourself, however the fact of the matter is the character wasn't that loved by comicbook readers nor known by most of the general viewing public.

You can make an argument about her character being wooden or not very interesting but then whether you make that argument honestly, you can still be branded by posters like you as being right-wring kooks.

Name calling. Yeah, that's real progressive and mature!

I didn't see the movie myself, because I didn't appreciate the attitude or statement of the actress and because the movie just looked boring to me. That's my right as a consumer and you and any number of Beta males hoping to get in Gloria Steinem's pants can't change it.


I have seen Captain Marvel 4 times, I liked the film so sue me.

This doesn ot mean that I do not understand the "hate"

The hate is not because the people hating are "lowlife reich wing incel dweebs"

The hate is because ever since this film was announced all of the marketing was about the lead being female. How she was the first to lead a Marvel film after 20 or so films. Brie Larson did not help by constantly bringing it up.

At one point she said she wanted to "normalize" the female lead. Clark Gregg (Agent Coulson) in supporting her and spreading hate against anyone who did not like the film said he "could not wait until the gender of the lead is not an issue". To both of them I say, "YOU made it an issue."

Women are more than capable of being a lead and the idea that some men are "afraid" is simply not supported by the numbers. There are too many female lead films that have been successful to think that men are "afraid" of that situation.


"So you came to the conclusion that the hate surrounding Captain Marvel (it is BEYOND ridiculous), hate that was being spread all over the internet MONTHS well before her solo film was ever released, only exists because she is... too overpowered?!? Fella, quit lying to yourself. Now! "

Nice reading comprehension skills, you dumbfuck. I thought the hate was ridiculous because it was for reasons that were completely unrelated to the character. Now that I've seen the character in a movie, I understand not ALL of the hate was undeserved. She's boring as fuck.


"anti-white bro power agenda—an agenda luckily most movie audiences approve of."
"lowlife reich wing incel dweebs"

wow, you take being a low testosterone left wing mega cuck to a whole new level..... take a break and enjoy another cup of soymilk you big pussy.....🤣 😆


She is a very powerful superman like character. That's who she is in the comics anyway.


She's the most powerful MCU character right now , at least until we get Silver Surfer which has ridiculous God-like powers , always if they don't nerf him
