MovieChat Forums > allseeingi

allseeingi (50)


Too bad she hates white men Pairing a black male with a white female, this time the propaganda is for children! Medieval - referring to the Middle Ages was BEFORE the year 1500.... Avengers: Endgame fans are divided over Thor's storyline in the Marvel film #NotMyThor is gaining momentum View all posts >


Constantly race swapping white characters into non white characters is racist. You do realize that, right? You can be a leftist and not condone the constant replacement of white characters, you do realize that? LOL people tired of leftist horseshit can only be Adolf Hitler? No wonder the left is getting its ass kicked so badly this election cycle. It's the way of the world now. Open racism against white people. It's ethnic replacement via culture along with their attempts at historical revisionisms. That's the tactic isn't it. Point out something bad the jews are doing, then they cry out a bunch of weak character assassination terms like "neo nazi" or "antisemite" or "racist" and then everyone is supposed to just ignore the bad things the jews are doing. Your insanely dumb argument here is "Nazi material exists, so of course it should be in random modern day movies". It's clearly put there to keep the public's mind actively focused on Nazi material, to keep the Nazi boogeyman going. A guy kissed another guy in the locker room, in 1971, in Virginia.... and moments later they all acted like it was no big deal. The whites and the blacks would have taken turns kicking the s*** out of that kid in real life. Of course this movie is blatant leftist propaganda. The white captain turns on his own mother, girlfriend and best friend. It's literal programming meant to destabilize white people. Black people in real life are SUPER racist. We don't get film after film after film painting them as the bad guys that need to stop being racist. Absolutely. Blacks in the movie are portrayed as level headed and harmless while whites are portrayed as barbaric and openly racist. Any slights against whites in the movie are considered necessary and even for the better good, while slights against blacks are considered evil and racist. Did they even say why the business owner shot the black guy in the beginning of the movie? I don't recall but I don't think they specified. They probably knew it would be too outlandish even for lefty hollywood to have a cold blooded racist killing on their hands but they wouldn't dare show the black guy stealing or robbing the place because again, blacks have to be portrayed as moral and innocent in this film for it to work despite everyone knowing better. The movie was produced by Lorne Michaels who is jewish. This is not tough stuff to figure out. Notice that they also included the "Communist party" that they threw in the movie. It's literally in everyone's face how terrible they are. The jews have been playing this game for a long time. Pro communism, anti-white. It's the unfortunate way of the world. Jews run things right now. The backlash they are going to receive for their lies and deceptions are going to be huge. Until then everyone watches them do one stupid thing after another. View all replies >