MovieChat Forums > mentality > Replies
mentality's Replies
No not one bit.
The madness is here.
Must be by proud of yourself.
It is interesting. People will always hate and have their own opinion. The Viking episode was pretty good.
Interesting premise bad execution.
When the couple is visiting the scientist showing him the slug. They tell him Ill call you tomorrow and the scientist yells back call in the afternoon. Lol
The whole movie was slow up until the last 6 mins.
Lol the Room. What a horrendous movie but you're right about that one. Close Calls the lead chick was good visuals and I wouldnt change anything about her looks. The supporting cast needed support.
There is no forum..
If you never got around to checking it out then you saved yourself. Music was decent but that's about it.
Yes Cranston had 74 seconds in this. Is that all that constitutes a good movie.
Also looks like It was in the movie Legion.
I enjoyed the main girls bouncing bosom in spots she ran.
Rip Miquel.
Good solid movie Eddie. Good writing. Well worth the view. I give it a 7/10. Not to over the top.
More specifically around the 1:05-1:06 mark is when viewers can see what happens.
This slow movie should never be mentioned in the same name as Evil Dead or even the remake. This was brutal. The cat did the best job. The very last still shot in the movie shows dude with his teeth normal and face is healed. He was mangled a few scenes before the end.
Lol good comment.
Not schizo but overall above average movie. Fun movie to pass the time by,
This worked pretty fast at notifying me.