Sandman81's Replies

He was already suspicious about Greg. And he was in denial about his son. Although I think Greg's hidden camera rant forced him to face reality, since Denny was at military school in the second movie. He probably knew very basic stuff, just enough to pass by and convince people he knew what he was talking about. And like others said, maybe he had forgotten stuff, or wasn't quite as sharp as he had been before he retired. He may have been in denial about that. And when he watches the secret tape of Greg at the end, and Greg pretty much says it, he finally starts to accept the truth. Which is why Denny is off to military school in the second movie. Very true. But when your concerts is only remembered for riots, fires, and sexual assaults maybe you shouldn't go out of your way to cash in on all the topless women but showing as many of them as possible on your vhs. For a long time it was believed that baseball players shouldn't do to much physical training, especially weight training. The fear was that it would make your muscles to stiff, and adding to much bulk would disrupt your swing. It wasn't until the early/mid 90's before players started taking physical training more serious. Of course this lead to the steroid era, but I digress. Jack was from the last generation that didn't take training seriously. And even by those standards he was pretty lazy. As others have said, he probably got by on natural talent for most of his career. But time eventually caught up to him as it does to everyone, and his body was breaking down sooner than it should have due to lack of conditioning. There was an old saying in politics at that time; "Don't get caught with a dead girl, or a live boy.". He could recover from a picture of him in whore house. But with a dead hooker, no way. On top of the public disgrace, he would be going to jail. They did at the start. Which is why they constantly denied his existence, even when Gordon himself saw him. The police even tried to arrest him after he dropped Jack into the chemicals. However Gotham was so over run by crime and the police weren't equipped enough to stop it, that some vigilante dressed as bat, beating up thugs in an alley wasn't a very high priority for them. Had Knox not been writing about it in the paper, then they might have been fine just letting him do his thing. Their opinion started to turn when Batman broke the Jokers code for poisoning everyone. Even then the news mentioned not being sure what to make of Batman. As opposed to anyone else on those shows??? She never said anything about box office. The fact that she's talking about Disney+ makes me think that she's smart enough to realize that there's no way a Solo sequel would get a theatrical release. But video on demand release, or a mini series might be a better fit for them, and something that could happen. Along with a tractor beam, we also see a large part of the Tantive IV explode, and C-3PO says "They shut down the main reactor, we'll be destroyed for sure!" Most likely it was the reactor that was hit, which means the ship had lost its ability to flee from the Star Destroyer. Also, I wouldn't say the ship went into reverse. It probably couldn't move at all at that point. The Star Destroyer that was pursuing it was finally able to catch up to it and fly over it, and its tractor beam pulled it up into its main hangar. He needed to get permission to kill Ralph. Which means he needs to tell people what happened and in order to convince them that it was an offense worthy of death, he needed to make a big deal out of it. They kind of glossed over how many second chances he was given. The show made it seem like he was fired after Summerslam 91. But he was actually suspended. He tried to resign shortly after however Vince refused to accept it, since the Warrior was under contract for another year. Only 7 months later, he made his return at Wrestlemania 8. He was supposed to begin a 2nd title run later that year, but WWF was coming under fire for steroid use, and had just implemented a tougher testing policy. The Warrior tested positive for HGH and was suspended, and in November of 92 quit. Desperate for ratings, WWE brought him back in March of 96. And while he did provide a brief shot of energy, it quickly faded and people grew tired of him. He eventually skipped a bunch of house shows in the summer and was fired. In May of 98 at the height of the Monday Night Wars, WCW made the same desperate mistake WWE had twice made and brought in the Warrior. They immediately regretted it. Along with his normal personality flaws, he now could no longer work at the frantic, high energy pace that whipped people into a frenzy. He was done there in October, to everyone's relief. I was surprised they didn't even mention this, since they had Eric Bishhoff on the show. Is it a copyright issue? Since WWE owns all their footage and would never give them permission to use it, they have to settle for short clips in low quality. We do get a quick flash of Kim Catrall's beaver in the locker room. Consider this: Indy is the first person to enter that room in centuries. Which means he passed the 3 test and is worthy of the honor to guard the grail. Donovan and Elisa entered the room moments after Indy did. Should be pretty clear to everyone that they sat back and watched how Indy passed the test, and now are just there to steal the grail from him. Which to the Knight would mean they were not worthy of it. <blockquote>But my point was this: if you think your team is better than a team with Michael Jordan or; to a lesser extent, LeBron James on it; you're probably mistaken. My point was this: a player who speaks out and says "we were the better team" after losing to Michael Jordan (or Lebron James) doesn't really have good perspective. If his team was better, they would have won. I'll make one exception here. Charles Barkley did say he thought the Suns were a better team before they played the Bulls. Then later admitted Jordan was better than he was. But they didn't win the Championship for having the best players, they had it for having the best team. </blockquote> I think even you're confused as to what you're trying to say. If you disagree with Reggie Miller, and do not believe that the '98 Pacers were better than the '98 Bulls, fine then just say that. If you disagree with every losing team that says after a series that they were the better team and should have won, that's fine too. But lets not get into a "If you have Jordan/LeBron/Kobe/Shaq on your team then you are always the better team" debate, because that has been proven untrue time and time again. Keanu had NO star power prior to this movie. His biggest claim to fame was "Bill and Ted". Unless he was playing that type of dopey, goofball character then no one took him serious as an actor. Not only did this movie come out of no where to be a smash hit, but it shocked everyone to see Keanu not only play a different kind of character so well, but be a legit action star. Important point to consider: Who told us that robbing this card made Tony and Jackie rising stars in the family. RALPH There are some pretty good reasons why we probably should take his recollection of these events with a grain a salt... aside from him being a complete psychopath. He had just recently been made a capo in the family, a spot he felt he deserved a long time ago. So being the narcissist that he is he has to come up a good reason he hadn't advanced in the family at the same pace as Tony and Jackie did. So he pointed to the card game robbery as the moment that fast tracked them to being made, and not the fact that they were just better at business and more respected than him. Also, even if it was the card game that made Tony and Jackie stars in the family, we don't know the real reason Ralphie didn't go. He claimed it was because he got the clap from a hippie broad he was banging, but would it be a shock to find out that was untrue. Maybe Ralph chickened out at the last minute, and has been kicking himself for that ever since. Or even worse, Tony and Jackie didn't invite him along, for fear that he would go nuts and start shooting, thus sealing all their fates. So on top of not getting the respect from the robbery, Ralph has the embarrassment of his friends correctly leaving him behind. So it would make sense that he would change history just to save face. Long Story Short: We don't know for sure that the card game robbery really made that much of a difference in the Mob careers of Jackie, Tony and Ralph. The only person who told us it did is unreliable at best. In the early seasons yes. Lots of graphic and gratuitous nudity. You could count on every major actress to be nude at least once, except for the underaged ones, or the older ones. By the end of season 3 they started easing off of that. By the last few seasons there was hardly any nudity, and when there was, it served a purpose. Because she just kind of ended up in that seat after Sam got shot, and did a great job early on, so she just stayed there. And it gave Jack the ability to talk to Max, and bomber, as well as coordinate other things that were going on. Also now he can get a look at the bomb as well as try to disarm it. But yes IRL another officer would have gotten on board and taken over driving.