MovieChat Forums > Star Wars (1977) Discussion > Was this plot hole ever explained?

Was this plot hole ever explained?

The opening scene has Leia's ship racing away from the big Imperial cruiser, when suddenly, the her ship goes in reverse, and allows it to get sucked into the Imperial cruiser, allowing the Vadar and the stormtroopers to board. Was the driver of Leia's ship an Imperial spy who double crossed her into capture? Was this ever explained in a deleted scene?


Chad, who was flying the ship was actually a double agent. I think its in the deleted scenes.


Tractor beam.

Just like the Falcon was also 'pulled' towards the Death Star when they try to escape later in the movie.


A genetically modified tractor bean was secretly placed on Leia's ship by an unnatural botanist enabling the Imperial Cruiser to suck her in.


Many Bothans died to bring us this information.


Lester We Forget


In what way is that a plot hole?
didnt we talk about this?

The Die Hard 2 radio thing - yes
Everything else you think is a "plot hole" - no


Along with a tractor beam, we also see a large part of the Tantive IV explode, and C-3PO says "They shut down the main reactor, we'll be destroyed for sure!" Most likely it was the reactor that was hit, which means the ship had lost its ability to flee from the Star Destroyer.

Also, I wouldn't say the ship went into reverse. It probably couldn't move at all at that point. The Star Destroyer that was pursuing it was finally able to catch up to it and fly over it, and its tractor beam pulled it up into its main hangar.


Were the holes in your brain ever explained?


As others have said, a tractor beam. Do you need to ask what that is, or can you use Google?


I normally don't use google because, quite frankly, I know more than google


Go on, then: what is a tractor beam? In your own words, please.


Its a device with the ability to attract one object to another from a distance. Why would you think I didn't know what it meant?


In your OP here, you sounded like you had no idea why Leia's ship was suddenly attracted to the Star Destroyer.

This is what you said, in case you modify the OP:

"The opening scene has Leia's ship racing away from the big Imperial cruiser, when suddenly, the her ship goes in reverse, and allows it to get sucked into the Imperial cruiser, allowing the Vadar and the stormtroopers to board. Was the driver of Leia's ship an Imperial spy who double crossed her into capture? Was this ever explained in a deleted scene?"



Tractor Beam.
