TheReccher's Replies

The point of the story, was supposed to be Hill House itself, and the effect it had on the poor Crain family. Yet what we get, as already (and not incorrectly) stated, is quite a LOT of soap opera drama between the family and their inner circle. No. That's the exact opposite of the point of the show. The point of the show isn't Hill House, it's seeing the effect that Hill House had on their inter-personal relationships. The point of the show was the "pointless soap opera" drama that you just wrote off, because we're seeing the after-math that this trauma has on their unity as a family. This is NOT a story about a haunted house and why it was evil, it's not anywhere close to that. "But still, I think it could have stood to be about 8 episodes instead of 10, and as stated, I think the audience deserved to have more of the HOUSE'S story told, instead of just being fed vague little bits here and there." This isn't a story about Hill House. This is a story about a family dealing with the trauma that Hill House dealt them. When you watch a story about an abuse victim, do you care about the abuser's back-story? No. That would be irrelevant. The bulk of the horror and drama rests on how Hill House tormented the family, not why it became evil. And no nobody deserves to have Hill House's back-story over-developed because doing that to a horror monster is the lamest thing a horror story can do. Does the audience deserve to know the Xenomorph was created by a gay Michael fassbender robot and have its mystery ruined? Does the audience deserve to know Leatherface just had a bad child-hood? No? Fuck the original Robert Weis movie knew that doing so would take away its aura as a monster that envelopes its victims. The audience doesn't deserve to have their time wasted. The abuse story worked perfectly fine without all that. Haunting of Hill House has no filler. Or at least it has very little of it. Every scene offers a deeper understanding of the character's psychological complex which is the bedrock the narrative lies on. You may not have the span to handle a story past a movie's length (which is something YOU admitted), and that's fine, you don't have to like it as no piece of art it for everyone, but cut the bullshit if you're going to say it needs to be a movie's length because that's demonstrably false. This is a sprawling story with five main characters and you needed an episode just to get a basic understanding of each one. Again, that would butcher a story-line that has the rare honor of havng me care for five main characters and for what? Well I already mentioned it. Comic book fans are too hung up with expecting one-to-one accuracy when it comes to adaptations, down to every to every nook and detail, when that's not what a film-maker is and should be doing. A film-maker should make changes based on the new medium and world the character occupies. That's the physics of adapting a character. Jon Bernthal was stellar. No iffs ands or butts about it. It doesn't matter if he doesn't "look smart" (whatever that means) or doesn't "look like a killing machine," (again, whatever that means), there's a reason he made grown men cry in a graveyard scene that was twenty minutes too long on paper. That's quantifiably great acting. The MCU has given us a perfect on screen Punisher, his name is Jon Bernthal. Yep. The Hulk is a nigh indestructible monster, so for Thanos to dispatch of him easily lets you know early in the film that he's someone to take seriously. It effectively sets the tone of the film by making the stakes feel more real. So yeah, you're probably the only one. I mean maybe nine or ten people might disagree. But American Irishman talk like that though. They're wannabe whops. I fail to see how. Hoffa was right. Provenzano was so clearly disrespectful and abusive to him. And the fact the higher ups simply demanded demanded that he dance like a puppet and take it practically made him the victim, as loud mouthed and eccentric as he was. Irish-American. Trick question. They aren't. People remember the good movies and blocked out the bad ones. Just as today's generation will say "why can't there be another There Will Be Blood," forgetting the multitude of Bad Boys and Transformers. The ratio of quality to crap remains consistent. Producers are no more greedy and cynical than they were when films started, and capitalism is the same danger it an art form like film that tragically needs business to survive. Irishman because Endgame ruined Thanos's character so badly. So are any of you going to give me my time back after seeing cunts finding a reason to bitch and complain about nothing? No? Thank you. You could do that, but than you wouldn't have been able to fit as much story and character development and it wouldn't have been nearly as memorable to so many people. Appeasing low attention spans should not be the highest priority of art. A film would not have done this story justice. HOHH does several things outstandingly well. My Italian parents bickered, yelled, screamed and made up without a word needed, every day for the thirty+ years they were together. Not once did my father ever lay a hand on my mother, not once did she walk away with a black eye. Your ignorance is disgusting. Those people completely missed the point. They assumed Kubrick wanted to an a good man turned bad arc. He didn't. He had no interest that. America is one country. In my country it's a C-, in England it's nowhere close to a fail. What's your point? It'd pretty hard to buy that this guy can lure people to eternal damnation if he's doesn't come off as a likeable guy no? Yeah really. What this isn't common sense to you? Art is already separate from the man who made it. It's as much its own entity as adult children are from their parents. Art's right to thrive and our right to enjoy it is not contingent on anything, especially the moral caliber of its maker. Let him pay the consequences for that and nobody else. Especially not the people who want to enjoy his art. Besides do you know how many people are involved in the making of a film? The writers, editors, make-up artist, special effect coo-ordinates, the guy who drove the catering truck to the studio. The likelihood that a film isn't connected to a morally questionable person is extremely unlikely, especially since this is Hollywood. Let's just stop watching movies entirely. Good food is good food though. How does any restaurant manage to hold any level of success if a widespread consensus on food wasn't possible.