MovieChat Forums > Kingscheme > Replies
Kingscheme's Replies
It's word play faggot.
The Night King? Well he was pretty bad as riding the dragon and burning the wall.
According to the Game of Thrones wiki his first son was named Aegon.
Yeah Tyrion was acting like a creeper.
But in the books they went on and on how handsome he was.
The Mad King is Jon's grandfather.
Maybe they meant "Tyrion [b]asks[/b] a good question".[spoiler] When he said considering Dany can't have any children who is her heir if she dies which she did not take to kindly.[/spoiler]
She will have a miscarriage, remember Maggy the Frog told her she would only have 3 children.
That would be such a let down.
I'm with you they were idiots for not bending the knee because they were being loyal to Cersei.
The wall is coming down and after the final battle with the white walkers if the living win the War there will be no need for the Nights Watch. If all goes well Sam will be free to go back home.
Well everyone knows Cersei is evil.
Maybe Sam will be the head of House Tarly now.
There are 7 episodes is season 7 and 6 episodes in season 8.
I forgot that Pycelle was killed by Qyburn's little birds.
NO because there is no Bran just the 3 Eyed Raven.