MovieChat Forums > pepetoony
pepetoony (1757)
Awesome use of surround sound
Bored shitless
Having your offspring change is a bad thing??
WAY too much shaky camera
Jason Patrick should've played Patrick Bateman in American Psycho
Well look who's back to suck daddy's mushroom dick.
This bitch looks like a real life South Park character
Uh...whatever happened to the baby!?
DAYUM son! This movie was made for OLEDs
Pssh! Makes no sense.
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Jim turned his back on the hitcher at the very end when the hitcher was still clearly breathing whilst lying on the ground.
Lol no, I'd never seen that! Nice to see I wasn't the only one triggered by this. It's so strange because an artist (or even a non-artist) could've come up with an original font for the movie in less than a day.
The first 45 minutes of this movie are phenomenal filmmaking (up until the big fight that went on for way too long). After that things kinda fizzled until they got to the private jet...then the movie began to redeem itself again. And the ending was chef's kiss! But my point is: How did you not enjoy the first part of this movie!?
Tangental Cremation
Mmmm.... American Beauty: The Aftermath
That car scene could also be interpreted as a rip-off of Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
This bugged the shit out of me too. Actually the first time they showed the old Saturn I thought to myself, "That's a risk using a car that old in a movie." Then after watching the movie I watched it again with the commentary which confirmed what I'd suspected--that the Saturn had broken down halfway through filming.
I kept nodding off. Also the subplot with the histrionic family was awful.
Why I never in all my life!
Dude that's weird.
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