MovieChat Forums > Sobspobb > Replies
Sobspobb's Replies
lol at ur post, op. no offense.
zomg right back ya
stfu, dimwit!!
lolz at u
yes, you are lying! you are lying about me not deleting my thread, when in fact i did! and you're lying about your own actions! so yeah, you're lying.
so do you
perhaps i was trolling, but i'm not lying about my actions.
the same could you do, liar!!! don't you get ever tired of repeating yourself'?
no, why should i lie about something that's not true at all. so shut up! and yes, you're a contradicting coward!
if you want me to stop, then stop it yourself and stop being such a contradicting douche.
no, it's my thread (since i started it), so you should go away!
do i have to spell it for you retard?? this is MY thread! you're the one who should buzz off and you have NO RIGHT to chase me off!!! gosh, get in into your scull, troll!!!
so do you, douche
yes, you've denied your own mistakes and rather blamed on mine. get a life, loser and you should take 1. grade over again. lying troll yourself!
except that you're actually accusing me for a lie, which makes you a liar! and it doesn't matter, it's still my thread, so you have no right to chase me off it! you're so contradicting yourself so blatantly and denying your own faults! you're a failure as a human being!
oh, you're sooo good at owning me, you scumbag! you're accusing me for lying, while doing it yourself! you're a contradicting disgrace to humanity and please get off my thread! I started it, so therefore it's MINE, NOT YOURS!
no, it's not a lie at all! and i'm not throwing words back at ya because of the sake of revenge, but because of citing the truth! you're the liar!
it doesn't matter, since i DIDN'T DELETE THE THREAD!! and you're hilarious as well, since you're being contradicting and denying it! you're a worthless idiot!