Sobspobb's Replies

thank u for dat great honor, sport ;) no, but thanks :) hahahaha. i'm glad i amused ya ;) didn't u read my post? i said that i would type proper english as long as u learned 2 behave. it is idiot adjacent to not be able to spot genuineness in people. u are so mature that u dazzle me. go get laid uself! because he's completely unlikable and has no warmth nor likability. she's unlikable and every inch of her pours a bitchy aura. she's completely unlikable. she has a bitchy demeanor and it shows through she may have charisma, but she lacks likability. she has the demeanor and the aura of a bitch. perhaps she isn't, but she seems as so. lol, that was a joke, right? he lacks charisma completely. why are u replyin' me?? i never cited this! ok. cause it would made more sense to post it somewhere else. and the point of placing your response here is...? and the point of this thread is...?