MovieChat Forums > SoZi > Replies

SoZi's Replies

Because he was BFG... Mark Rylance I got the same question... But that's it? That's very weak. :/ The joke, I mean. Hey, thanks! Well this is... Can't find my words really. My interpretation was that the film set in the future, and Mandarin became a world language as well just like English. So it's not unlikely that the characters used both languages in the same conversation. In a multilingual group of people it happens quite often. As a matter of fact, you can see Japanese, Chinese written characters in many sci-fi films as part of these worlds (Blade Runner for one) as it were part of the everyday life, but you almost* never hear it from anybody actually speaking it, so it's there for what? Just because it looks cool? In Cloverfield Paradox they finally made it clear that yes, it is very common to use Mandarin next to English in this future world. I actually loved this idea in this movie! *There is one exception in Blade Runner, Gaff says a few words in some Oriental language, but he also speak German and Hungarian too (in the same conversation again!), so it's probably his special thing, not a common skill. But Deckard seems to understand some of it. She had doubts about her faith. All other questions (answes) are irrelevant. It's called the dutch angle. Yes it usually means something, discomfort, character changes, anything the DOP wants to say. (Especially when it's Roger Deakins who does that :) ) In this movie, I recall two occasions, each time there were two following shots in opposite angles (eg, shot tilted left, right after a right tilted shot). I couldn't made out the meaning of the one in the begining. It showed the people in the church during the first preach. But the last time it is in the scene between Meryl Streep and PSH. It's when their conversation starts to heat up. Meaning two different point of views are about to clash. And with the opposing angles again, it clearly underlines what they saying at that moment, and emphasize that they're totally on the opposite sides on... basically everything. Yes! I think it even had Seoul written on it. And the boy's had Madrid. Yes, Gwen used to date with Flash in the comics. Watch the movie called "Gotcha!" Everybody should see Birdman! Especially Keaton fans. It's his finest performance! And the style of that movie is brilliant! But answer to your question, Birdman is to Riggan's character is closer to what Batman is to Keaton as an actor, rather than the "bird" in Spider-man. It's more just a fun sort of in-joke than a direct connection. Multiple stuff going on here. There is a slang term: Baby driving is the act of steering the wheel from side-to-side very quickly, creating a side-to-side jerking motion of the vehicle. Called so because that is how babies drive when they are given a toy steering weel. (Urban dictionary helped explaining) + The driver in the movie called Baby + He is a young guy with a babyface But you have heard of it. Unfortunately I have to agree on this one. In the trilogy he was a great swordfighter, a witty strategist with a good heart deep down. Now he is just a goofy idiot slapped around by the circumstances... What a waste! :( It's coming on June 2nd. Yes they were. And Yondu was also part of that team in the comics (appeared with a huge mohawk). They're weren't so popular, so Marvel rebooted the series in 2008 with Starlord's team. I think they never met in the comics​, not even with Yondu as they do in the movies. (They started to form their team in an event series called Annihilation Conquest. Which is a sequel to Annihilation...yeah, it's complicated, but it's worth to read, and you get to know Nova, who has the coolest story of all of them. He definitely needs an MCU movie!) It would be great if the two teams could meet in the movies! Definitely in IMAX if you have the chance! The format is IMAX size modi of the time. And yes! It's called Logan Noir and it looks cool. Here's the trailer: After a little digging, turned out it actually did. It is called the Black & Chrome Edition. It even get a theatrical release as it seems. Definitely NOT. You heard it wrong.