Empire review ** stars!!

oof! empire no like Depp now eh


The reviews as whole are mixed, just like the last 2. Most of them say it's better than 4 at least (which was crap imo).


A few reviews state that Sparrow is no longer in character as we know and love him. That concerns me a great deal.


ironically depp made banderas look dull in the desperado sequel

now the novelty has worn off depp


Unfortunately I have to agree on this one. In the trilogy he was a great swordfighter, a witty strategist with a good heart deep down.
Now he is just a goofy idiot slapped around by the circumstances... What a waste!


the beaver was absolutely stunning because we felt mel wasnt acting

imagine DSK project with depp being released soon a wife beater playing a man accused of assault


It wasn't a great movie... out of 4 stars it was probably worth 3. Biggest issue was the writing which could have been better. I'm betting though if it makes enough money they will do another one as the shot after the credits sets up the movie for another sequel.


Between the bad taste left on the franchise by the previous film, and the bad taste left on Depp himself by his own snotty behaviour, it's hard for me to be interested in watching any more of Depp's schtick. (I'm in Australia, and my disgust for Depp's diva tantrums wasn't helped by the lies he told on American talk shows, trashing my country and completely misrepresenting what he'd done.)

So I haven't seen the film, and can't say whether Empire's opinion is justified or not. But past the first film the series has been getting increasingly light on inventiveness and solid storytelling, and increasingly dependent on Depp's increasingly stale screen persona, it makes sense that some would think that the series is now getting by on barrel scrapings and fading carbon paper.


It's a movie for die hard Pirates fans. You're not going to get much that's new here but at least it's more entertaining than the last one.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-https://youtu.be/Ifd_yV1ZFNg
