MovieChat Forums > Birdmant7 > Replies
Birdmant7's Replies
" She also makes Dany seem dumber and more angry than she is written."
Thank you for your reply and just in this sentence you conveyed exactly the core issue of her acting. Clarke's entire demeanor in this character is just one pose with the same look; same reaction and its become so repetitious that is just makes you lose interest in the character. But again, I also the character of Dany is also becoming a very consumed in her agenda about the crown, you saw how she went off on Tyrion.
I also agree with your choice of someone like "Lena Headey's caliber" to play Dany, which again today's Hollywood is not about talent is about who you know. I don't have a very high opinion about the producers/Creators of this show, especially David Benioff, who just seems vain and if you listen how he goes over the show's story at the end of each week's episode is even clueless, these two found Martin and exploited these great books and if you watch some of the interviews with Martin; who does say that he was not always happy or approved of the cast or the way they change the story, but its too late now and this is how Hollywood /HBO got so much fame from this show, that no matter who you speak to who is a avid fan and say I don't like "Emilia Clarke" they just get offended?...because they are brainwashed to think these people who cast the actors actually know a lot about casting or film making. The more we go forward the less content we have in film's depth.
I think what I meant bu Zoe Kravitz, was not about her look to be in heritage, I was referring to her acting and her poise, she has a certain presence that Clarke does not. I was only using Kravits as an example, I am sure there are other actors that they could have casted whom were just as unknown as Clarke but at least were more interesting to watch than Clarke, whose acting to me is flat, she is overacting, even though she is British but even her accent in the show is just way overboard English, I tell you this because I grew up in England.
As far as Peter Dinklage?. well, if you go through the entire cast of GOT, peter is the only American actor, with a British accent in the show. But the character of "Tyrion:" was a Dwarf in the book, so I think Dinklage is been great in this show and he pulled his own weight being surrounded by a British and European cast. The question I have is why is the books of American writer "George R.R. Martin", whom I consider brilliant as Tolkien, but why did his story got made with all British Cast as they did the Lord of the Rings films"? This is why yes, sometimes " Peter Dinklage's fake accent comes off kind of bad and out of place but he is a good actor, I saw him years ago in a film he played an attorney and he was great.
You are typical "Fanboy", do you know what a Fanboy is ?
a person who watches without thinking and all you care about is in your
typical dumb Fanboy reply: "Dude she's hot as hell"...Lol
As if that was the topic of my post was about how "hot" she was ?
but you as said it, you never read it and yet you call it "crapola"?
because you "Don't have time for that."
Yet you got triggered to post your dumb "Crapola" on my post?...Lol
Most Fanboys don't have time for anything other than watching TV or Porn and eating.
In your case I would say you probably don't date much either.
I totally agree with all the scenes you listed, to me the best one was "Sans and Theon"
I think Dany's character is misunderstood by in large when it comes to GOT audience; because she has accomplished a lot and she does come off that she has good intentions, but yet there is a very greedy selfish side to her that is gotten worse. Her immediate reaction to Jon's story was that she was questioning the truth of the sources, even her face changed as if this man (Jon), she claimed to Sansa "she fell in love with" suddenly shifted into a threat, she even said it "that makes you a lead to the iron thrown". And lets not forget the important scene with her and Sansa, how she could not answer Sansa's question about the North and how she went from this warm kind smiling holding Sansa's hand to this cold mean bitch that she really is inside, because all she really thinks about is becoming the Queen, as if the people of the 7 kingdoms are shouting her names in the streets for her to become the Queen?.Lol
She is so delusional about becoming a Queen, that she is blinded to her family's history and ignoring her MAD KING father almost killed a whole city, if Jaimie had not killed him, she really is clueless about the history of her own family to even consider that yes her brother, who sang to people in the streets, who had joy in his heart was not a rapist; he sounds more like a person who could fall in love (with Liana Stark), yes her Brother had a son with her but he had to be hidden in plain sight as a bastard, if she was really in love with Jon, she would not have reacted to the truth as if it was a threat, perhaps instead rejoice that she found a family member she can trust. I think the GOT audience dismisses or ignores what Dany is really about because of her abilities; I personally don't like her; to me she is just as hungry for power as Cersei; but I already predict Dany wont be the Queen and there maybe conflict with Jon and north.
I know Trolls like you just send dumb email to get a reaction, but
it's just funny to me, it didn't hit any nerve, but funny that first its so hard
for you to read the thread because its "too long", but you would be concerned about the correct spelling of "Maeve"... Lol
That speaks volume about YOU, how infantile you are that now you are email me twice to see if it touched a nerve, instead of maybe contributing to the thread, maybe even express your take on what you could read, but a TROLL that you are is there to start shit; that's what a TROLL does; it's just pathetic and maybe you grow up one day and realize that.
Wow, you read the thread and the only thing you could come up
with was to point out "Maeve" correct spelling?...Lol
Are you related to Maeve ?
You know what makes me laugh about you FANBOYS?...its how
you focus on the dumbest things, as if Maeve was name's correct's spelling was of such importance?...Lol
Hi Quint
I know you posted this thread a while back but I just found it and read it, it's brilliant. I don't see post like yours that actually recognize the problems people like JJ Abrams have contributed to the film industry, case in point the new Star Trek movies and followed by Star Wars. People for some reason due to media or publicity think or associate JJ Abrams to be the next George Lucas?. That harsh or sad reality is far far from it, people like Abrams, Jonathon Nolan who just did West World only seize business opportunities for not just profit, but for selfish narcissism of fame. They are not enhancing or contributing to the film industry on a level that those old classic Hollywood films did.
Take this socalled sequel to "Blade Runner", which is just using the name itself to bring the hardcore followers of this cult classic, but everyone got disappointing and upset that they got lied to one more time with a bogus retro sequel. "Blade Runner" was not meant to have a sequel, if it did Scott would have done a long ago, but I was surprised he finally joined the Bankers or maybe he had no control to go for it. He was slated to be direct BR, but after his brother died things changed in his decisions and choices of films he directed, which was another bogus prequel to "Alien"?.
If you ever watched the making of "Blade Runner" called Dangerous times, then you realize that BR was not just because of the 80's, it was Scott's vision that he created with huge difficulties, that was what you call an anomaly. I used the word anomaly because no one today, no matter what budget can recreate the world Scott created in the back lot of the studios. The book by PKD never really gets into the description of the outside or future, but Riddley through comic books and research had a vision that to this day nothing has ever come close to it. The 80's was the last of the or the leftover of what the films of 60's and 70's really started.
The original Blade Runner is an experience every time you see it, its look and music unique, you feel hypnotized as a viewer and really the Vangelis music is huge part of that effect.
Thank you for your post, yours was the only one among all others on this thread I started that actually maybe read my entire post. I got all these other emails people asking me questions or what made sense or didn't, or that I was wrong about the MIB and it was the copy. That again shows that people like us are in the minority to maybe see the mess this show is, but it's seems to also bother some people if you do point out the flaws....Lol
I didn't care for Crithon's work that much, yes, they were interesting like "Coma" and "West World", but he was also into commercial films and not so much about depth. When I first read about HBO doing West World, my first thought was it could really be thought provoking show, because of the time we are in and so close to A.I. When the first episode aired, the production and how they took the premise to such higher level for the androids was very impressive. The malfunction of Peter Abernathy was also interesting but the focus of the show kept shifting, to do that in your first 3 episodes is a bad sign. I think I waited until episode 7 to 10 to get some clarity as to what this show's theme or is there one?.
Arnold's struggle to solve how the hosts reach consciousness was what kept me watch the show. That idea alone should have been the spine of story line; to revisit over and over in other episodes. We see Mauve got awaken, but we didn't see how she arrived to it?.but suddenly in season 2 we are given new info that Mauve has super powers and Admin rights. We watch what appears to be Ford or his ghost, standing over Mauve's injured body, telling her, she was his favorite?. Really? Was there one scene in the first season that remotely hinted that?. Scenes like that are inserted into the second season all over the place; it contradicts other info and the time line, which I wont go into anymore as I did previously posts here.
I always wonder if Rod Sterling was alive today and what direction would he have taken this show?. instead of a rebellion, perhaps at first more focused stories about the hosts, like episode 8 about "Kiksuya "; that got the highest praise of all episode in both seasons. Why? because it's dealt with a struggle and pain that they need to reach consciousness, because according to Arnold in the first season that part is inevitable and no matter how much they erased them. Within the base story line, then you have the rebellion with more structure, not just shoot and kill to find freedom. They could have explored so many other issues that hosts struggle with that reflect on humans too, but we are not living in the age of depth to invoke thoughts. In fact depth is become boring to the "millennials"; they are rather text.
I am sorry I never got interested to watch "Lost", because it felt like it was maybe for younger audience, 20 to 30?. I don't really care much for anything on Network TV, because I don't even watch TV, I have not for over 10 years. I stream on Amazon and Netflix, that's it. However, I recently discovered and watched a show that ended last year called "The Left overs".
I think it was the most interesting creative show I have ever seen in the last decade or longer, I don't know how to even compare it to anything else, because it's so unique in its presentation and story line. Here you truly see a masterpiece where no matter how you felt confused, that you saw something in episode 2 and was not explained until in episode 6, but it was so tight and so well done. That show is like this giant jigsaw puzzle that pieces just come together slowly; every episode to me was like a experience. I have never seen a show that actually move and engage you so emotionally in every episode so strongly. You could never predict where the story was going, you could be in a dream, then reality, then fantasy and back to real time, but all these incoherent broken scenes all connect in different episodes.
I think its one of those shows you either get it and love it or just dismiss and hate it. It challenges its audience to think on a plausible issue, that what if due to an unexplained event, people may actually believe its the end of the world and the effect on human behavior?. That's just one among many other issues in that show that I doubt anything will top "The Left overs" in years to come. What was the most interesting that writer/creators went to HBO and told them from the start the show will end in the third season because it was based on the book and they wont add to it.
I hope you try to and watch it, if you have not already, that show is still on my mind and what it really conveyed about existentialism. We need more shows like that, because this medium was not just for entertainment, but to also reflect on current culture, not as parody or irony, but to invoke thought and conversations. Rod Sterling did that in just 30 minutes with the Twlight Zone episode, but not even a 2 hour movie can do today or WW in 2 season
Thank you for the explanation about MIB, but if you read my original post when I started this thread that I really DO NOT care about this show that much, its just a waste of time and its really badly written. So really, who gives a Shit which MIB was on the beach or in the elevator?
From the very start of this show these writers took it to so many directions, the time line has been stepped on over and over, if you go back and watch season 1 just from ep 6 to 10 you will see what I am saying. The show is incoherent , just borderline stupid to watch because they are making it up as they go along; that can create more problems for the viewer. Yet, at this time this show is gotten so much hype that people will watch it no matter how dumb it gets. My post was about that how dumb it is.
If you ever watched the original Twilight Zone with Rod Sterling, the stories were short, less than 30 minutes but in those 30 minutes the story was so engaging and he took you some where with the story. The reason for that generation to have a writer like Sterling or Gene Roddenberry is because
THEY READ BOOKS, they were highly educated people that read almost anything from philosophy, history, poetry, mythology, science, etc and all of that was incorporated into very solid coherent meaningful stories, that is the original Twilight Zone series is a timeless piece of art.
WW can not do any of that in one hour, its just eye candy, back and forth flash backs; dumb scenes with the Samuri subtitles, Bernard's brake down, Delores's relentless revenge, Mauve's admin control, Indian love story, etc. The story has NO heart, it does not make you feel anything, its just eye candy BS with high production value but no value, its like eating a meal with no calories . This all goes back to Nolan and those retards writers he is working with, they have no concept of narrative line or theme for this show. This show had so much potential to be cerebral than fluff and this is the sign of our time where everything is just entertainment.
you need to go back and watch the ending again, MIB left the beach to chase delores, his hands was blown off, its the same MIB.
The world that Akecheta and others entered to was illusion, a storage space like the cloud; where the essential software or blue print of all the info and identity as hosts but their physical body died. However, that storage area also was already created to make all the hosts that cross to feel safe and happy, Kohana was there because she was also backed up software in that area, probably along with other hosts partners or family members too.
But I also think they threw Kohana in that scene to make us the audience also happy that Akecheta found her, it was a touching scene and it worked. They spent an entire episode 8 on Akecheta, so that was like kind of closure I guess. All those hosts that did cross along with what Delores backed up in the drives she carried to the boat will be remade once their physical robotic bodies can be recreated. Remember when Logan was showing the large data library of all the info backed up with guests and that was also included all the info for Hosts too, Bernard almost destroyed it. So basically, they are on saved on back up drive in something fictional Matrix like world.
My post was not about just about Mauve or how confusing it is, it was about how STUPID it is, so please know the difference between STUPID and confusing.
There are shows that maybe confusing like "The Leftovers" that was also on HBO, but it was like a jigsaw puzzle, no matter where you were in the time line, in the future or past, the show's story line had a straight path to connect the dots leading to what you saw maybe 3 episodes ago. Yes, it looked confusing but it was Not stupid like Westworld, because I don't mind being confused to figure it out but there is nothing to figure out here, this is what most people don't seem to get, this show is playing you and is utterly empty, it has broken its own time line and story line so many times and if you go back and watch season 1 just episode 6 to 10 then you realize how badly is written because things don't match up.
I really liked your post, I just started to watch this show, I didn't even know about it until recently because I don't have cable HBO tv and I found it on Amazon stream. I didn't know who the creator of this show was either and I never watched "Loss", to me regular tv shows are just lame but "Lost" was just felt it was for high school audience.
I just started to watch this show "The Leftovers" and I thought it was interesting, the way its put together, but I do also feel its mostly presentation and no content. For a second I was thinking of "Six Feet under" or it also reminded a little of the film "Magnolia", by Paul Thomas Anderson, I mean the style of the camera and editing and yet this series feels like its trying to imitate something to project depth but you keep wondering so WTF is this show trying to say? I mean I am just in episode 5 and I am trying to understand where this show heading to with these multiple characters. I like the cast and I have seen them in other great shows and they are all good in this show as well.
I like shows that have some depth and in all fairness and as David Lynch even said about his work, that the director does not have to spoon fed his audience, whatever they take away from what they see is up to them. I can't say this show is all bad and stupid, I do like characters like Kevin the chief so far, I don;'t understand what that group with white clothes are suppose to representing yet?, I like the dynamic and the conflicts of this show and it does have an energy to it but I am not yet that far into to judge it as someone like yourself who saw it to the end. But some times there are no answers for everything in any show you expect, if you saw Twin Peaks the new one, the ending left everyone lost, confused and even mad but maybe they were expecting a conclusion that made sense but most things in life don't make sense either.
To find shows with depth these days its really rare and almost like finding a gift.
I totally understand what you are saying but Game of Thrones was written in a series of books, the writer and creators had to edit a lot of it but it was already a full written story to the point where we got now. If you ever find the documentary about the Making of star Wars, George Lucas had already done the entire full story prior to even shooting the first star Wars, yes they were stuff he cut out but the body and narrative line as to where it was going was there from its birth on paper. If you the Martix trilogy, the first one to this day is the best compare to the sequels, why?. because apparently those Wachowski brothers had copied someone's work and were in court for the original story and I think they eventually settled, that;s why the 2nd and 3rd are just awful, I mean the second one with the scene with the Architect was like you pulled the curtain and debunked what you had seen in the first Matrix. I feel this is exactly the same situation, ofcourse HBO and cast members like Ed Harris have to say something to the audience who is confused and lost in the Maze, but this show has now already got a following and people will watch it where ever it goes.
You sound like a
That's odd you would say that episode was boring?!
It actually had more positive reviews than any episode in both seasons, here
is some of them on Imdb:
That episode actually had structure, a total narrative line that also tied into the time line when
Arnold died, it tied into what Ford said in First season in Ep 10 as what causes the Host
to reach a consciousness is Suffering, which Kiksuya did with the loss of his wife and also how
he found her in the basement locker among the other frozen Hosts. It was the only episode so far
that connected some of the missing links, however, the only part it failed is that writers some how
either forgot what Ford said in Ep 10, that when Arnold died the park was not officially open, yet
Kiksuya arrived to find Arnold dead next to Delores and he found the Maze game, that does not match the time line we were told in season 1. But, this show is now so distorted, so disjointed in flashbacks and inserts of Ford and you want to talk about what was the most boring; it was the Japanese with subtitles stuff", not that mind subtitles but it did not serve the story in any way, other than Mauve has Admin control, which again could have been done in any episode. This show is just making it up as it goes along and by now its got a huge a FANBOY club that watch it no matter how stupid it gets.
That's all we can do is to WATCH...Lol
If you have access to go back and watch the first season just from Ep 6 to 10 and then
realize how these writers are just making shit up as they go along, because when you lay down the narrative then you don't keep adding to the narrative other info that doesn't support the narrative.
If you watch the Episode 9 and 10 in the first season and what Ford talks about, and pay attention to the TIME LINE then you realize none of it is matching what is happening in the second season. I don't think these people; the writers really thought this through prior to launching this show, to really full know what is the Beginning, middle and end like any good cohesive story.
This second season is a proof of how disjointed the story line is with scenes like the "Japanese with subtitles stuff", which really was just eye candy and nothing more. None of those Japanese characters moved the story forward or had anything to do with the plot but just to fill the hour and for FANBOYS go "Wow"...Lol. Whats even more funny is that this disjointed confused narrative has made some people (audience) think that's its the style of the
WestWorld is really is an empty hollow as a show, yet it tries so hard to project itself to be of depth?
You and I maybe in the minority because we are not FANBOYS, we think about what we are watching. Any time I see the name of JJ Abrams or Nolan in something on TV or Film, I get worried WTF they are tinkering with next?. If you pay attention to the time line and how some of the time lines just don't match and how they just add these stupid as you best said it " ridiculous plots" in episode after episodes to just fill the time. Mauve being in that Japanese scene made no sense at all, other than we find out she had Admin over hosts, which could have been done in the same narrative line.
Take Episode 8 when "Kiksuya" came to the find Maze toy was the same time Arnold died killed by Delores and we can see that establishes a time line, where if you listen to Ford in Episode 10 of first season he clearly tells you the Park was still not open and Arnold's death almost closed the deal, so if the Park was still not open how Kiksuya even exist or be active host at that time?. I urge you to go watch that episode 10 and how Ford talks about and how we see Arnold die was before the Park was actually opened.
This show is become so confusing for almost anyone watching it that even the people writing it are forgetting their own bogus narrative line. Death of Arnold was suppose to be over 30 years ago, that is a time line you can't go back and change but I guess they think people are hooked like its this amazing show, with weekly blood bath and new characters that they just throw in, so they can do anything they want with the FANBOYS. Who is there to question them once HBO sees the Money?
Michael Crichton is rolling in his grave if he knew the mess they made of his book>?. he really would have not allowed these people tinker with this work this way, Crichton was more of a visionary and very intelligent man and kind of head of his time.
Sorry, I don't believe in God, and never the fiction called the Bible either.
I don't know why you or anyone is surprised about William being the ASSHOLE Jerk that he is?, have you been watching the entire two seasons? Did you hear what his wife said in the last episode to him? This is a man he has manipulated every person from Logan to his sister, to the father to gain their trust and took everything he could from those people. He is a self-centered egotistical jerk whose life is become to live in the Westworld. The entire season one they kept telling him that the reaching the center of the Maze was not meant for him, but his Ego is so big and he is self-centered even when he is being told the truth he refuses to believe it, and this time it cost him his daughter's life and yet he is so detached that the game and beating Ford is still more important. William was a weak insecure man, who found himself winning in a fake world of Westworld, he called it shedding his real skin, which is a LIE to himself, the Westworld is where everyone wins, its a theme park to make all those fantasies come true and for ovet 30 years he took his identity from that world, that shows how sick this man is that he he lost touch with reality and I hope they host kill him once for all.