RustyShckleford's Posts

New Poster spotted at AMC Just watched it. Not Good This movie was such ass Shaping up to be the biggest box office disaster of the year Of course they have a trans Barbie in this How anyone would want to see Barbie instead of this is beyond me What format are you seeing it in? Won't have good legs and heres why... Underperforming at the box office The theater I saw this in was very hot when they showed the movie Who was asking for this? Not as good as Fallout, but still super solid summer blockbuster Box Office Flop Only todays looney left would get upset about a film about human trafficking 8 walkouts at my show last night Give it 6 months and everyone will admit this is a pile of shit Made only $6 million in Thursday previews. Could open under $40 million They somehow managed to top Crystal Skull as the worst Indy movie! Will this flop as bad as The Flash? Ken = Dumb Sexist White Guy