MovieChat Forums > SoapboxQuantez08 > Posts
SoapboxQuantez08's Posts
Favorite movie from your HS senior year?
Favorite "sore loser" movie moment?
Movies that change each time?
What over-hyped movies do you like?
Anything rare about a film you recently saw?
Has "a new classic" evolved?
Do you like to taunt barking dogs?
Do you use medium-power much?
Anyone ever owned a vacuum cleaner?
Fact of the day
***(Closed) Bakers Dozen: The Rotary Club ***
I'm a big fan of "made for tv" movies
Realistic, but...
Anyone else think forums are disgusting?
My cannibalism just won't go away
Your handwashing etiquette
The theme song for the Coronavirus
What taboo subjects interest you?
POLL: Did Colvin deserve death threats?
Fact of the day