BlackMass's Replies

Loaded nonsense. Does it bother <b>you</b> that she's black? Did ye, aye? Low self-confidence and a fragile ego. In his 2007 DVD he even talked about contemplating suicide. Add drugs to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Good little band, but hideously overrated. Critics paint them as innovators, when they were just copying other people. Their 90s sound was an amalgam of U2, REM and Nirvana. After that they went "experimental" and retreaded ground covered 20 years earlier by the likes of Japan, OMD and Ultravox. That said, I do break out 'The Bends' and 'OK Computer' probably once a year. Aside from those records, it's only the occasional song that's of interest. I won't be going to see it because of the black/green woman. No idea who she is, except a hostile prick who loves to play victim. As well as suffering rampant "racism", she is of course, "queer". 🙄 Another nauseating Hollyweird woketard (she'll have her little Oscar in no time, though). Just about everyone I've spoken to, whether interested in seeing the film or not, is repulsed by that horrible woman. Now you're using a strawman. I absolutely did not say rap is terrible <i>because</i> it came from blacks. I said rap is terrible, and that people are uncomfortable pointing out its terribleness because it's a black "art form". Folks are oh-so fearful of being called "racist" nowadays. Non sequitur. Rap remains woeful and requires no talent. No need to re-record when he nailed it on the first take. Referring to "dementia Donald", when the sitting president is Joe Biden, illustrates the level of denial here. Jeez, that guy... hideous. He probably hated the other dude with the cute dimples. Pah. Bischoff is just salty that Bret has correctly criticised his incompetent leadership. Bret was "the guy" during the era of the sex and steroid scandals. The company also tried to push Lex Luger, Diesel, Shawn Michaels, Sycho Sid and the Undertaker during that period, but the spotlight – and WWF Championship – always found its way back onto Bret. Nobody was drawing huge money during those dark days, but Bret was the most popular star of the time. Stone Cold Steve Austin is seen as the juggernaut who brought the WWF back to financial prosperity in the late 90s, but Austin always points to Bret as the guy who made him a star. And he's right: people forget that Austin was a directionless mid-carder in the WWF until he started calling out Bret during the summer of '96. By early '97, the feud directly granted Austin a Royal Rumble win and his first pay-per-view main events. What a pampered, privileged moron. His largely awful 21st century work and rampant TDS definitely overshadow his golden years for me. Maybe in your anime world. Lol, a mental defective who thinks dynamic brilliance like Dafoe, Oldman and Rockwell are "awful", and who rates a by-the-numbers "movie star" as the GOAT. And who's this "<b>William</b> Dafoe" you keep referring to? Heck, you barely even know of the actors you're dismissing as awful. I suppose I shouldn't be picking on someone with a single-digit IQ. Yet they're all vastly more dynamic and capable than bean head. <blockquote>Trying to compare Willem Dafoe, Gary Oldman and Sam Rockwell with him is hilarious! </blockquote> I know, right? Those guys are so far ahead of Hanks, it's ridiculous. <blockquote>William Dafoe? LMAO! And yet you claim Tom Hanks "is not even attractive"?!</blockquote> Watch 'Body of Evidence'. Dafoe also has a huge penis. Lol at Woody being an "asshole character". Hanks doesn't have the chops to pull off the bad guy. Oldman is far more influential than Hanks. People like Brad Pitt, Christian Bale and Tom Hardy literally became actors because of Oldman. Bitter that he's one of the few actors to reject the leftoid narratives you hold so dear? Bwahahaha.