MovieChat Forums > Michaelflatley > Replies
Michaelflatley's Replies
Ze dumb blonde in last King Kong movie wuz better
Lindsay Lohan
I'm kinda sick of giant spiderz. Why do they alwayz put 1 2 scare ze bejezus out of me? i.e. Lotr, Harry Potter, dis movie
I thoroughly enjoyed it but cudve been better wid a cuter gurl
They need 2 make plush version of ze big skull creature. So cuddly cute.
But killin ur own kind is not racist.
It wuz epic. When goji made iconic lion/bear roar, entire audience cheered like it wuz 2018 in timez sq
I jerked off 2 ze giant spider
Booyah biatchz
But u do agree dat dat giant spider wuz cute and cuddly in fuzzy way, no?
Kong is ze hero we deserve but not ze 1 we need rite now.
Cat woman wid Halle berry wuz better
Nah ze reel villain is u overthunkin it. It ain't Shakespeare or a riddle.
Overhyped garbage. Ze Wolverine in Japan wuz better movie
I concur. Didn't get ze hype on how dis is dark nite of xmen?
It wuz just violent and not really necessary.
Felt extremely low budget.
A gurl dat don't really talk, and if she does speak espanol and not really cute either - just awful costar, 0 charm.
Prof x actin all senile and old is really annoyin
Overall a very dismal end 4 an iconic superhero, ze wolverine wuz a much better movie. Wolverine imo is prolly 1 of best superhero in all of comix perhapz even better than batz and they effed it up so bad hear
Booyah biatchz