He killed Samuel L. Jackson. His kind should be wiped off the face of the Earth as punishment.
But killin ur own kind is not racist.
Black people are not monkeys, except Leslie Jones and she's not really black. Just a white person in blackface.
Lol funny thread
I don't think King Kong has much of a concept of race.
He killed a black guy, thus he's a racist.
So if a black guy kills another black guy (the most crime in America) is he a racist?
Read Black Like Me ; eye opening !
What's Black Like Me?
The italicized words and "read" should have been clues.
Its about how everyone in the world treats black people and how we need to rise up and enslave everyone as retribution.
db20db you went over Angryman's head with that post.
I see the IMDb trolls came over here
I don't recall AM53. He's just doing SJW parody on several boards. Mikey has been on IMDB for years. Much better trolling.
true dat....that black on black crime ..smh