CoSMiGoNoN's Replies

Saw it today for the 1st time and I think it's brilliant, better than most Hollywood fare coming out today. They were all pretty ugly. White women are prettier. Both are good but City of God is superior. I never ever notice if the camera is hand held. That means that it works in adding realism to the film, which is one of the things I appreciate the most in a movie. So I give it a two-thumbs up and wish more movies used that technique. I'm an atheist and this movie bored the Jesus out of me. Worst Scorsese movie ever, worst than Kundun. Couldn't feel sorry for people killing and dying for something that doesn't exist. It's really bad. Asshole You sir, have just won the interwebz!! Excellent film! Love documentaries, so I really like movies that strive for realism and not cheap melodrama. I think I would've done everything except cut off my pinkie... Fat people like that shouldn't be let out of their house.