MovieChat Forums > Wilson > Replies
Wilson's Replies
I'm hoping people grow up and learn that a community is made up by its members and not its unwritten rules being enforced by an unelected or unneeded bunch of busybodies. Maybe then we can have discussions which will flow like the do elsewhere. I hope you find a place where you feel accepted BenCaesar, it is a shame that it is not here.
I had to log out of the OPs account and back into this one ;)
When people try to impose their version of "Common sense" over others without their consent or approval you will always get the wind taken out of the sails Ben.
I still have faith that this site will catch on, but not with the Mary Whitehouse marching band trying to run the place.
The moment you suppose superiority over another is the moment you have killed the point of discussion. Catbookss and their gang of stitch and bitch regulars promptly closed this place down with their idle threats of leaving if they didn't get their way.
It seems their way could have been kept to a <a href="">Discord channel</a> and the rest of us could now be discussing what we love with others who signed up to do exactly that.
There's nowhere to lurk at the moment and so hopefully the faggots will catch lit before too long and we can have a storytelling session around the campfire.
I had an issue 6 hours ago. I refreshed and eventually restarted by browser and it has been plain sailing since. A log out and then relog in might also help it along.
Thanks for the most recent update too (What did we get?).
"But there IS somebody on this board who is getting (pardon my French) a huge hard on from all the division he has caused."
Is it the person telling others to go and kill themselves?
I'm not saying giving them free reign to do such a thing is complicit in their behaviour but I'm also not saying it is not.
Yup, I'm guessing that's a fine example of that "Real life" you spoke about in your last reply.
Wah wah.
Wah wah.
Someone's needing to be burped. There, there now. The pain will go away when you sleep. There, there.
Feel free to send anyone looking to air their grievances <a href="">here</a> and that should help keep these boards a bit cleaner.
Why don't you press that little ignore button and lose the only reason you come to these boards?
Oh yeah, that's right. Hypocrite!
And as are you. I'm looking out against those who don't share our healthy opinion towards self discovery and consequences of our actions. Those who claim to "Know better" and are expecting just to be trusted on their word.
Stickied threads could be a good idea. That would require more moderators though and there doesn't seem to be many here who are up to the job of being one.
When some see racism in one thing but not in another it could mean that they are institutionalized with their racism and are so entrenched in it that they cannot imagine they are being racist.
This is why reflection and being open to change is an important part of any leadership hierarchy that gets established here.
I wholeheartedly agree.
The board just seemed unusually quite these past few days and I felt that perhaps this particular issue wasn't resolved.
I will ask anyone looking to impose their rules upon others to take it to the Soapbox where it belongs. I trust that you would support me on advising so.
I agree. That's why which words are sanctioned for use and which words aren't gives a look into the cultural bias of those trying to enforce their worldview on others.