The thing is, the people you put on ignore might not know you're actually ignoring them. If they do know, then it could possibly be considered harassment. The ignore button needs some work; it was just a quick fix.
I still don't know what the deal is with cussing. I usually star-out swears just to be safe, i.e. s***.
They're not "your" beep threads...they're on a beep public forum and anyone can respond to them...not just people YOU want to respond. You want that kind of control, start your own beep board and join a YRC
shareEXTREMELY well said, Dazed. Fits some people here like a custom-made shoe
It's all very silly and childish. She overreacts in a big way. Although, I have found some of the topics of her threads to be interesting.
"Fits some people here like a custom-made shoe"
If you mean cobbled together then have a high-five for the witty pun.
Nope; didn't mean cobbled together...meant custom-made. Big difference
shareLike a cobbler would do?
shareNope. A cobbler, at least in today's world, repairs. No custom shoe-maker refers to themselves as a cobbler in 2017. But before you go searching for that one possible exception so you could post it as a "nya-nya," again, I didn't mean cobbled together, which is still not the same as custom made. But nice try.
shareSo you do know that lots of custom made shoe makers call themselves cobblers and that the list of examples is rather extensive.
Run along now, everyone totally believes you got one up on me with your imaginings. Their lack of saying so just proves it. You totally didn't get pwned, honest.
"So you do know that lots of custom made shoe makers call themselves cobblers"
No, actually, I don't
"and that the list of examples is rather extensive."
No, actually, it isn't.
Which means you're the same fucking liar you've always been, diaper boy. No go cry to mommy some more about how unfaIr the boards are, asswipe.
You really have no clue do you?
Cobblers, shoes = this.
Loads and loads of custom shoe makers calling themselves cobblers. Even a union of cobblers!
I might even eat some cobbler whilst visiting a cobbler looking for a good set boots to climb The Cobbler.
Cobble cobble.
Nice try, but the huge majority do repairs, not custom-made. You're still a fucking liar. But why not try shoving a cobbler's hammer down your throat? Now THAT would be a vast improvement to the human gene pool.
You lose again, diaper boy.
Oh deary me. The Mary Whitehouse fan service club will no doubt overlook your aggressive words as you are in league with them but I'm sure some people will take umbrage at your violent language.
I do hope it doesn't put anyone off from taking part in discussions here.
Nice attempt at complete distraction from the fact you're a lying POS. FAIL. Sorry, diaper boy. Try again, little Wilsie
shareWhy don't you press that little ignore button and lose the only reason you come to these boards?
Oh yeah, that's right. Hypocrite!
I don't use ignore and never advocated using it. Awwwww...poor little Wilsie's wrong yet again and still a lying POS.
Why don't you stop being an annoying lying POS troll? Oh, that's right; you can't. It's your only reason for living, let alone posting here.
Or a custom-made sock.
shareI know this is the General Discussion board, so the discussions are going to be, well, general. But I have a suggestion. When people start having broad disagreements and arguments in absentia, it's time to take it to The Soapbox. After all, Jim didn't import all those IMDB boards for nothing.
shareI think that is an excellent idea MinaVladimir!
The issue here is that some people are wanting to get the rules they think the site should adhere to implemented and dismissing ideas they don't find appealing. Whilst that is their right to express themselves and their opinions they hold no rack higher or lower than any other member here at MovieChat and trying to strong-arm individuals into conforming to their mindset is not only undemocratic, bullying and presumptuous but it completely lacks personal reflection and the empathy to relate to others and that is a failing in any governance system.
What Jim says goes as far as I'm concerned and if someone wants to impose their ruling over some boards then they can go and buy their own domain and code it as they see fit. Trying to sabotage someone else's work and use fictional "Amounts" of apparent unspoken "Sentiment" is just a little Hitler looking to get their jollies and as far as I'm concerned that's trolling.
Once Jim gets the rules up people will adhere to them, until then they can just shut the fuck up as far as I'm concerned.
Sounds like Wilson and a certain other poster may be one and the same....
shareBy eck' Ye gads!
More paranoia and hushed whispering about who might be who and what "The group" thinks about them when they've not posting anything.
If you've got something to say then come out with it but gossiping over knitting ain't my thing and I find it feeble-minded to the extreme.
I find a lot of your posts/responses to be feeble-minded to the extreme, but you still post them. Personally I don't give a diseased rat's ass how many socks you have, but when you start bending the truth and lying, as you've done numerous times, it becomes tiresome.
The voices in your head don't count as trustworthy eye-witness accounts napsdufroid.
Uh-huh. Total BS response. Didn't work. Try again.
shareYeah, you're not coming off looking any better for this napsdufroid and when you delete your posts you know your name is still attached to them.
Bark lil' doggy, bark like a big doggie would.
Except I've only deleted one post since I've been here. But again, nice attempt at a deflective comeback. Shame it's a total lie. FAIL. You lose again, asswipe.
shareAt least I know Jim won't be appointing you or any of your ilk as moderators.
That's the only victory I am aiming for and it's well in the bag.
You get back to your coven and plan the next brew of bullshit to harp on about.
I don't want to be a mod, so you have no victory, asshead. But the fact a lying POS troll like you can't qualify is a victory for everyone here. Now go play with the other little trollies in the sandbox, diaper boy.
shareDo you want daddy to kiss it better?
Sure you didn't want that big red truck toy, sure. It's not like you were already pretending to drive it with your other buddies here looking to get their big truck toys too.
Your entire reply makes zero sense. What a pathetic loser you are. But have to admit it's quite amusing to watch you reach so hard to try to come up with something relevant and/or truthful.
shareAre you referring to me? Now, I know I've been watching too much Legion, but I don't think I've started sprouting personalities all over unawares.
The harassment was palpable, hence my annoyance at it.
This little kangaroo court is extremely dangerous and the fact that they can't see that makes them even moreso.
I poo-poo all their shitty little contrivances and attempts at establishing rules.
Give me democracy and a system I can see working, not some made-up fantasy where only those in the know pretend that there's any sense of civility or integrity to their dictatorship.
Did it have to come to Godwin's law, Wilson? Did it?
Anyway, as I said, discussions in this tiff you all seem to be having are better suited for The Soapbox. And quite frankly, both sides are guilty of perpetuating whatever it is you're diagreening over.
We do need official rules, that is true. But in absence of those communities are going to "police" themselves. That's just what happens. What we do have is a Moderator, who I'm sure is capable and authorized to deal with any seriously concerning behaviour.
"But in absence of those communities are going to "police" themselves."
We are still trying to find a sense of community here. Those trying to gain power by imposing their restrictive rules over others are policing nothing. They are trying a power-grab and that's why I am against. Particularly with the way they speak on others' behalves without any permissions to do so. Most uppity and entitled oppressors if you ask me.
The moderator has found no fault with me and so I hope to be treated with the same respect any other member here should be treated with. My actions are what are important not inferences of them by no good tyrants.
Yes, the Moderator hasn't found fault in you. Nor any of the others. So I suggest the concerns of message board tyranny and the suggestions for rules be reserved for a time when Jim makes a thread explicitly asking the community to chime in. Untill then we'll just have to live with the cunts and spades and the outrage. But maybe we could try not to clog the General Discussion board with endless variations on the same theme.
shareI wholeheartedly agree.
The board just seemed unusually quite these past few days and I felt that perhaps this particular issue wasn't resolved.
I will ask anyone looking to impose their rules upon others to take it to the Soapbox where it belongs. I trust that you would support me on advising so.
Don't twist my words Wilson. You're just as much apart of this as the others. But if you wish, start a thread in The Soapbox airing some of your grievances.
shareHOORAY! EXCELLENT ! To the first post.
share*sigh* And inevitably any attempt at creating rules ends up in bickering and name-calling... Why can't we all just try to get along?
"But there IS somebody on this board who is getting (pardon my French) a huge hard on from all the division he has caused."
Is it the person telling others to go and kill themselves?
I'm not saying giving them free reign to do such a thing is complicit in their behaviour but I'm also not saying it is not.