MovieChat Forums > BugisStreetAnnie > Replies
BugisStreetAnnie's Replies
I remember him, he was once on the Phil Donahue show many years ago. He was supposedly writing a book called "More Lives than One."
The ending was really dumb and unrealistic. I couldn't figure out how Andy pushed his wheelchair so hard it knocked Keith over when it hit him, perfectly. Then right at the end before the credits roll Andy is walking away with his mother like he had never been in a wheelchair at all. If he could always walk that well why was he in the wheelchair to begin with?
This episode was just on. I can certainly see how he could become fearful and paranoid after those two would-be robbers cut off the electricity and entered through a window when you're home alone.
I thought there was going to be a plot twist and at the end we'd learn the cop was mixed, he had a parent or grandparents that were black, and he hated that side of himself that he was acting more racist than the average white racist, but there was no plot twist. The cop looked mixed to me, though.
Something that I didn't know until I purchased one of the seasons (can't remember which one) of 'Seinfeld' on DVD was he replaced another actor, John Randolph, as Frank Costanza. They had to go back and re-shoot those scenes for syndication. I don't think the John Randolph episode is ever shown anymore except on DVD.
I wonder if she got her second series 'The Neighborhood' because of him also.
I think I remember seeing that show, but I thought her husband appeared with her on Donahue. In the Wikipedia article they said only she appeared.
I can't remember if he played the transsexual, Leon, in 'Dog Day Afternoon' before or after this movie, but I saw 'Lipstick' first and then when I saw DDA all I could think is 'that's that creepy rapist in Lipstick.'
She did have a way with words.
Sad. I just heard this. I think he once dated Mackenzie Phillips also.
LOL, This episode is on right now on the CW.
LOL, some years ago I knew a transgender that was 6'3" and the size of a linebacker who was like that. She was broad shouldered with an exaggerated bustline and wore profuse, caked on makeup. The entire time we'd be out in public people would stare and sometimes teenagers would giggle and smirk when they saw her like the "what-in-the-hell-am-I-looking-at" stare.
I never liked The Game either, even though I still sometimes watch it on Bounce.TV. I liked 'Girlfriends' much better that was created by the same people.
I was wondering if I was the only one that didn't like this movie. Someone had posted a comment that said it was similar to 'Seinfeld,' in that scenes went on and nothing happens. You keep waiting for something to happen but it never does, except at the end.
LOL, I have you on Ignore.
[quote]Like sports, for example, where she'd have a clear advantage over wholly genetic women.[/quote]
Except you could say the same about genetic women that can beat white women, like tennis player, Serena Williams, who is black, and most lesbians regardless of their race that could beat whiny, white heterosexual women. TRUTH! A lot of white, heterosexual women are looking for a scapegoat... probably because they're losers, especially in sports.
As I posted above... I know someone who was born intersex, and has always lived as a female, but she can't give birth either but does consider herself a woman, despite what someone like you might think.
I don't really know anything about all of this or what has been said, but I do know someone who was born intersex - she says she hit the trifecta when she was born: she was born a Louisiana Cajun, intersex and with male chromosomes, meaning she'll whoop your ass if you mess with her - and she has always considered herself to be totally a woman, and not something 'other' simply because she could never give birth and has to take hormones to 'appear' female, like male-to-female transgenders do as well.
Also, I totally believe her when she says being born intersex is as common as someone being born a red-head, but the difference is usually intersex people don't come out and tell people their history since they've always lived as the gender they are, so you don't normally hear about it, which makes it seem rare. I knew her from years ago in the gay bars when she would date lesbians and transsexuals, but she also now speaks openly about being intersex on her Facebook page.
I wonder why people never criticize her saying she isn't a true, genetic woman like a 'real' woman that can menstruate and give birth? Just a question.
LOL, I'm watching this movie now on DVD and I was thinking the same thing. It kind of looks like him when he'd do Star Jones on SNL except a different wig.
I agree. Back when this movie came out a friend of mine said they should've gotten Cher for the role because at least her voice is deeper that you could mistake for a male voice.