MovieChat Forums > pankoeken > Replies
pankoeken's Replies
It's a pretty faithful adaptation so far. The only big difference is an extra character has been added for some reason and of course other characters have been reduced.
I would recommend reading the trilogy if you like the show and the first book.
Thank you. I agree that I'm quite impressive. Why did you climb down off the cross?
I see you have failed once again to satisfy your own criteria. So you admit you're talking out of your ass then? Everyone already knew you were a pompous douchebag with nothing to back up her smug comments. At least you finally admitted it so that's a step in the right direction.
What do you want me to discuss in detail? The irony that such a proudly pretentious movie opens with an explosion? The annoying guests from hell? The theory "mother nature" should have done a better job affixing her sinks? The embarrassing pandering to sad losers? The ridiculous shock for shocks sake masquerading as deep thoughts that passes for a third act? The fact only a truly insecure little nothing would think employing a string theory name is "clever"?
Your turn. Explain in detail exactly what you think each character represents. Also what color shoes was Michelle Pfeiffer wearing? What was in the mans wallet? Why?
How do you know they were "fake laughing"? Perhaps those young adults just found parts of the film funny that you didn't. Perhaps they understood the allegories better than you. Did you shake your walker at them and yell "get offa my lawn I mean outta my movie place"?
Ku-thew-lew. Has anyone had any success getting him to appear? Dudes so lazy I wonder if he's a........... well you know.
Your comparisons are ridiculous. You seem to have a have a love of trying to blow smoke and telling people how they should think and what they "really" mean. Perhaps you need to find a new therapist before it's too late.
No. It's an opinion.
You make a valid point. However, I didn't say his definition was narrow minded. I said his narrative was narrow minded.
What an oddly pointless thing to say. You are usually very pedantic. Although selectively pedantic would be more apt
Actually you are the one that's defensive. Satan gave you the definition of pretentious that didn't fit your narrow minded narrative so you pretend that valid definition is incorrect. You are coming off as pathetic, smug and insufferable. Perhaps those are a few of the reasons you are friendless and sad.
I'm telling you these things in an attempt to help you. You're welcome.
Since you DIDN'T "Talk about the merits of the film citing details from it" that means you "basically admit you are talking out of your arse", right? Fair enough and thanks for providing an example of exactly the type of person I described.
Some people love watching movies. A smaller more pathetic group of people love smugly telling others what movies they have seen. Those sad insecure loners mistakenly believe watching a muddled self indulgent pile of shit with delusions of an "important message" makes them somehow smarter that the people who realize the Emperor wears no clothes. Obviously anyone desperate enough to base their self worth on liking a movie is far from intelligent. Sadly they have to settle for being loud mouthed pompous pseudo intellectuals instead.
Why on earth pick a kiwi to play an American? The casting director thought it was the best person for the job. Actually kiwis are usually picked to play Americans because they will work much cheaper. Most Americans don't whine like bitches about accents though.
Father in law posthumously.
Probably. I think he may get to tap Janey Patterson. Either way Bill crazy for not accepting the offer much less afraid to even look at the nekkid pics.
You're silly. The show is dark as fuck. She tried to kill her husband, is vicious to everyone in general and was mentally and physically abusive. It would be hilarious for her to suffer like she's made countless people suffer but you want to cry like a little bitch about it?
Grow up or watch something more suited to your tender sensibilities.
Then why did you read it idiot?
Are you asking which one we would bang or if we would bang either?
It sucks that no site has come close to replacing IMDb. Jeff Bezos burnt it to the ground because people dared to voice differing opinions and because there are people so fragile they couldn't hit the ignore button.
What a shame but it's all too typical of the times we live in.