pankoeken's Replies

The term retarded is not proper and it's mean. My friend Trantorious who is a person of color uses the term but it's okay because of slavery. I am white and don't use it though. You should not because you seem white. I like all the foods you mentioned. Italian are white and has spaghetti and different sauces. I like the red ones. Japanese is also yummy but not the fish that is not on the table cooker. Chinese is also very good. I like the rolled eggs and the soups and it is like the Japanese but not the same some how. My friend Trantorious who is a person of color does not like those foods though and I let him pick. I am white but I like the foods he picks. You should try the chicken after you go see Get Out which I know you have not seen yet. The wings are good and the breast. Trantorious says he used to get thighs and legs but since I pay he now gets the white chicken. Why is the dark chicken cheaper? It's not fair but I don't know why it is cheaper. Michael Jackson was a person of color. May he rest in peace. I am white. Trash is a variety of colors depending on the contents of the refuse. Perhaps if the garbage was taken from the linen of a hospital or a chef school it would be white as I am. However, even then there would likely to be blood stains and sauces and the like so it would not be solid white. Yes. I'm glad to see as a white that other white can enjoy Get Out as well. It was humor and also had a message. Did others see the message do you think? Humor is color blind. I am white so why would I not mention it so as to let persons of color know I am down with them and Trantorious says it's good to do that. Why do you hate persons of color? Have you seen Get Out? As a white you need to hear and understand it's message. Except none of the actresses were that attractive. NONE were close to hot. The 2 psychos were average. The shorter one was homely and her ass in lingerie was dumpy and hard to look at. The movie was crap. Yes Captain. Have you seen Get Out yet because if you white which I am white you NEED to see it. I am white. Sorry I didn't make that clear. Rhonda Rousey Trantorius warned me about evil white like you. Obviously the idea of a white person which I am being friends with a person of color is too much for your bad white mind to accept. Please see Get Out soon and really listen to it's message for the white. You are white as I am. While a bit extreme I feel as a white man you made the right decision. As-salamu alaykum. kuku I think white flight is terrible even though I am a white and possibly unlawful. How can an airlines not allow persons of color to board the plane and fly? I agree that the movie was funny though. My friend Trantorious is a person of color and he is always joking and laughing like Chris friend in the movie. He was on an airplane once and there were other persons of color too he said. I think Hollywood people are very smart. I'm white and they are too good whites like me. They always tell us to be nice to persons of color and women and that the white are bad. That is not disconnected and you may be a evil white so change. You need a person of color friend like I have made. I am white. Great episode even if the invisible wall thing was a bit heavy handed. I expect better from Darin Morgan. So was DM saying he would rather remember the old episodes than watch the new ones? Also just bring the Lone Gunmen back already damn it. They keep sneaking them in and we all want them back so do it already. Shut up racist. Small Potatoes was the one about the guy who could make himself look like other people. He impregnated several women by looking like their husbands or in one case like Luke Skywalker. The shape shifting guy was played by Darin Morgan who wrote most of the best episodes of the series. Jose Chung and Clyde Bruckman were both written by Darin Morgan. He's the best writer on the show and a underappreciated genius like the op said. I will go ahead and predict the Darin Morgan episode this season will be my favorite and critics will gush over it. Some people do seem to dislike his dark humor though. Millennials and white liberals that NEVER interact with anyone darker than snow will go see it ONCE. Then of course they will pat themselves on the back non stop and prattle ceaselessly about how aaammmmmaaaazzzzzing it was and how brilliant the actors are and blah blah blah. Liberals don't want to hear the truth you're spitting. Normal people know EVERYTHING you said was spot on though. Stop protecting a guy he KNEW raped women. Use his considerable fame, MUCH GREATER FAME THAN HARVEY HAD, to shine a light on the guy and stop him from raping women. Actually help women by stopping a predator instead of claiming to like women while not only doing FUCK ALL but actively making sure a predator kept raping women. Confront Harvey and demand he come forward and get help or QT would out him. Are you seriously as gutless and stupid as you seem? QT put Harvey on the map not the other way around. He had the power and did NOTHING. He's a pathetic little bitch. I think people that rape kids are monsters and you think the predators should be protected. Obviously we are not going to agree. Since I've never heard or read anything like this about Stallone I will hold judgement for now. If there are numerous accusations to follow then he's probably a scumbag. There were rumors about Spacey and Weinstein and Louis CK for many many years. I've never seen anything about Stallone.