Bella-UK's Replies

Mister I think you are spot on, Eric always had a plan an arc throughout all the seasons. So if he did stay that would be my bet too. He knew exactly where he and the show would be going and that's long term. I think after S5 he would have changed tack and changed the arc with a new plot. I wish we had a like button on this site. In the first place, Jensen went to Eric about ending Supernatural and that it was hard to get Jared on board. Now he's wanting to do a prequel? Why the change of charge. A friend mentioned to me today that maybe Jensen's hands are tied by the production company he can't say anything. But then I thought it's his own company that are making the production, can he still not say anything to Jared? I also thought earlier, maybe they might be using young Mary and John. Amy Gumnick and Matt Cohen I think. This would make sense. I think JDM is busy and may not be available. I like the concept and think it has some juice in it. I don't buy into it that it will be a love story, as fans won't be invested in watching mushy stuff they want action, gore and drama. Yes, Jensen narrating is cool, he has a good, strong narrating voice, and he's done it before. Which is maybe what gave him that concept originally. I had a final idea, that currently they are all dead and in heave. I wonder if the story will come full circle and they meet up and all hunt together. It could tie in and make sense later on. I am not a big Bobby fan, I would have preferred Mary as we never saw hardly any of her dynamics early on. I think we missed out on that. I think also we didn't know how Mary was around her sons because we never saw her in action. This is why we assume that the boys didn't know their mother. Yes, they were young when she died in such a cruel, unimaginable way. But, that said, I am glad we got to see more of her personality later on when Amara bought her back. I like how Mary had became part of team Winchester, and that she had been allowed to spend time with her sons naturally. It's a real shame Jeff wasn't allowed to come back but we did get a family reunion of sorts. Just wished it had been for longer, or we got to see them all back together in heaven which would have been just awesome. [b]Crowley: [/b]'I was born to direct'? Maybe it was down to the same old excuse 'BUDGET' they couldn't afford the special effects that went into the strong story telling. This is all I can think of. Sam and Dean have become stronger hunters, is all I can say. Over time they have become much more skilful and knowledgeable in how to kill the monster that this over powers that original threat. They have so much more resources than they have ever had before. They are much more stronger than they ever have been. They work exceptionally well together as a team. The Bunker has also allowed them to grow, knowing how to kill the monster much quicker, because of their speed in finding ways to kill the monster. Thanks all for the great responses. I think I love all the starks. I also loved the Blacksmith Arya's friend. Stannis's son. I loved Tyrion, Jamie and Tywin Lannister. I started to love Dany, but think she turned odd in the end. I thought Davos was a good, kind man. I loved Iain Glenn's character and really miss Robb Stark so badly it hurts. I also love the chemistry between Brienne and Poderick. There were also a lot of underrated small parts that actors played who rarely get a mention. It was also sad to see so many strong, great characters killed off so early. I am really into this show now. I think the day when we lost Eric as show-runner was a real blow to the show. Yes, we have had some amazing episodes, since but as you say not as many good ones in a row as earlier seasons. Eric new what his vision would end up like, he had planned those seasons so damned well. As viewers we can now see looking back what a dream that vision was. He knew how to grab our attentions, keep us hooked and wanting more of the same. Carver was my next favourite show-runner, but S8 was his worst downfall. Dabb was always a good writer seasons 1-5 were proof of this but I think he lost sight when he became a show-runner. I also believe similar happened with Gamble. We really had a mixed bunch of show-runners when I look back. There really are some strong episodes and tried to pick a couple from each season, but the later seasons didn't appeal to me as much. This little show produced some amazing mythology which is what I've always loved about it, along with some truly amazing, memorable characters. I still can't pick my favourite season from 2, 4, and 5. All Hell Breaks Loose The Benders Skin Hunted Lazarus Rising Provenance, In my time of dying, Born under a bad sign, On the head of a pin, When the levy breaks, Free to be me and you, The End, Abandon all hope, Point of no return, Appointment in Samara, Hello Cruel World, The Born again Identity, The Great Escapist, Road Trip, The Executioners Song, The Werther Project, Baby, Regarding Dean, Mister, that is the main reason I stayed. If they had got rid of either of the brothers I too would have bailed. As its their chemistry that kept me going for over 12 years. I've seen nothing like it on TV and doubt if we will again. I really am going to miss both of them. I am happy with the ending we got. At least the brothers are together, and with not one in hell. Eric had a vision, a vision that tied up within his five year plan, he left and another show-runner Sara Gamble took over who wrote many of Eric's previous episodes. Supernatural lived on, in ways that none of us could have imagined and a new era was born. Post Season 5 there were many strong arc's which followed with different show-runners at its helm. They all had their own ways of telling the Supernatural story. But Eric will remain the creator and the genius that created Sam and Dean who will forever live on. I would not have been happy with the S5 as the ending of the series. I don't think I am alone in that theory. Sorry for spoiling you. However, might I just add I think you are wrong about S5 ending. There have been some damned good seasons since and have really enjoyed them. It was the right time to end the show, and considering the virus they did a brilliant job. Each writer has their own adaptation of how they want it to end, and we got several chances to see those possibilities pan out. I preferred the ending of episode 20 the season ending not the series ending if I am totally honest, maybe some agree with me, and you. Why would she want to trick people like this with no proof. Doesn't make any sense. Wired. This to me sounds like a bit of Fan fiction going on. Why make things up, when clearly it never appeared? Does it sound as though that's what she wanted to happen at the end of the series her own version? Sammi, I've seen it twice not seen any job application at all. I'm on the ball with stuff like that. ;) I know its freaky where has the time gone. ;) It appears that way, but once you begin to uncover their back stories it goes deeper than that. I didn't think it would be my type of show, but I think Cordell's family are really gelling and make it feel homely and not in a tacky type of way. Walker is also growing on me, and Jared's acting has really grown. He's still got that shy side like Sam. But he also brings other sides to his character as well. Keep going with it, as its a slow burner. Walker has been picked up for season 2 today and have ordered 5 more episodes for Season 1. So I bet JP is a happy fella! Gerladine was Monica Rambeau! Is that the Walkers Mother Ditoa? It took me a while to get her, but now love her. I think Walker's dad feels the weaker character. Its the daughter who appears to be giving Walker the hardest time and she's really struggling to accept him and that he's back for good this time. It is a little slow, but as you say I think it will build. Ratings appear very good, so hope they stay that way. I like it so far. What job was Emily doing to get shot, not sure if she's a drugs smuggler? It wasn't explained?