why not a film?

I know it was originally to be a film, then Solo happened.. But its not like it'd bomb as happened with Solo..

A (decent) Obi Wan movie with Ewan and plenty force/Jedi elements and light sabre action (& a Maul rematch) would probably be as big as Rogue One. youd at least had the familiarity of the original actor back (ok not Alec but the original in alot of peoples minds who are now grown up who loved the prequels as kids)

when the standalone 'SW Story' movies were announced I think there was abit of buzz about as fans and just audiences in general were hyped with the idea of an Obi Wan movie (not so much a Solo movie wout Ford).

I bet Ewan wouldve much preferred doing a movie over a TV show


One of them angry fanboy nerds made a great video on youtube about how there's very little money in theater movies for Disney moving forward vs releasing content on their streaming service. They only get a percentage of them total grosses after everybody gets their cut, vs keeping every damn cent of millions of fans paying their monthly service fee. Keeping the traditional theater format alive moving forward is simply bad business. They predicted that when Disney finally pulls out of the theater game all together, cause why should they bother any more, the entire theater system that now resides on the backs of Disney will utterly collapse, and that will pretty much be the death of the cinema.


Ewan definitely preferred the movie idea. When he was asked about the show, he had stock company line responses about it. Not his usual hype and enthusiasm he shares for his projects. And this fan definitely would prefer a movie. A character like Obi-Wan needs a bit more spectacle and sense of importance. I don't want to see Jesus wandering the sands for 8 hours. An Obi-Wan version of Mandalorian is not good enough.


Another vote for a movie here! I dont even own a Roku or streaming device!

But Disney's desire to shore up their streaming channel will probably override our wishes. (Grumble grumble)


I think Solo bombing scared execs, they dont want to lose money and its cheaper to produce a series. And it can be cancelled at any time.


And now Disney must be very thankful they went with a series..


I'm sure Ewan is as well. Especially how much exposure hes gonna get as well as quality story lines...


Because TV is the new it thing.


Well its not traditional tv. The effects in mandalorian are on par with the films. I consider them somewhere in between tradition tv and movies...


It is now.


No it will never be traditional tv. They would not be able to produce this for free tv.


Lot reasons:

1) Solo losing money.

2) The mixed reaction to the sequel trilogy, in particular for Rise of Skywalker.

3) Who knows when theaters are going to fully reopen, and when they do, people might still not be completely comfortable sitting in a crowded theater for two hours.

4) As we saw with the last movie, you could make billion dollars at the box office, and still have to explain to people that it wasn't a bomb.

5) The critical and commercial success of The Mandolorian.

6) The continued success and viability of Disney+.

Would not be surprised if Disney never releases another new Star Wars movie.


Because Disney knows they can get millions of suckers to pay for their streaming service. And they are right


just saw the 'Vader' trailer which looks pretty awesome.
had this been out in cinemas this summer think be looking at a huge 200m opening and easy $1b overall total like R1 (esp now covids no longer a 'thang')


Obi Wan: A SW Story probably would be making Top Gun money had it been released in theatres about now. But as a series it just dosnt feel like a big SW event like Rogue 1, i know ppl say oh it is like a film with same budget/FX/actors etc its just 6hrs so its better. But really its a tv show. made for tv by tv people. (and the clips i seens so far look abit 'tv series') it be like say Top Gun 2 being a Paramount stream series starring Tom Cruise.- yeh ok itd be like 6 episodes/6hours but it just wouldnt feel and look as good and epic as a movie in theatres


This was the last character/movie that Disney had that I think would’ve pulled in both original Star Wars fans (like me) & Prequel Star Wars fans, because I think both sets of fans at least accepted Ewan McGregor as a young Obi Wan.

I don’t know how well it would be doing at the theaters because Disney’s Star Wars just can’t seem to get it right with competent people behind these projects. Everything has a rushed & poorly thought through feel/look. From the writing, directing, fx & on & on…

But yeah after their Sequel Trilogy this was the one “Star Wars Story” to get right….


idk why they didnt do Obi Wan instead of Solo. or rather maybe i do as they were trying to apease Kasden who helped them out on VII and was wanting to work with his son on the Solo film. also maybe they didnt want to get stuck back into the prequel era so soon after the ST started (and harkened back to the OT so much)

Obi Wan summer 2018 (or better xmas 2018) wouldve had a shot at a billion (despite TLJ)
