MovieChat Forums > The Woman King (2022) Discussion > All major films about struggling blacks ...

All major films about struggling blacks receive unanimous critical acclaim. One of the great coincidences of our time.

It's wonderful that so many stone cold classics have poured in over the last decade (12 Years, Selma, Moonlight, Fences, Get Out, BlacKkKlansman, Judas, Ma Rainey, Miami, King Richard, Nope, Woman King, et al, et al). Meanwhile a film about struggling whites (Hillbilly Elegy) is massacred by the critics. I'm sure it's all objective reporting, though. No agenda or anything.


do you think critic want career in shitter?

message is clear - tow party lines or else ray sissum.


And every film starring some other than a white man gets a flood of criticism on these boards.

One of the great coincidences our time. No agenda or anything.


Excellent skewering of a lot of the "rhetoric" that gets tossed around at woke films. It's not that PSAs masquerading as films aren't annoying, and it's not that there aren't good points in some of the critiques, but the same level of logic, argument, vitriol, and critical standards aren't universally upheld by those complaining of the woke films.


These assholes understand nothing, about the world, humanity, or how awful they appear to others!

But then, neither do the extreme Wokies. What a world, what a world..


Indeed. I find myself disliking these stupid propaganda pieces and stupidly "diverse" films (note the "stupidly" there; plenty of movies are diverse in a great way that serves the story or at least as something humdrum), but most of the people who rail against them I find myself disliking as well.


First of all, you're sitting here bashing a movie you haven't even seen, and claiming it's a "stupid propaganda piece" and "stupidly diverse"--which is stupid in itself because you don't know what the hell you're even talking about. The term "Diverse" simply means a film or piece of entertainment with different actors from all different cultural backgrounds playing in it. Not a damn thing wrong with that, and nothing "stupid" about it. There are plenty of "stupid propaganda pieces" put out by Hollywood with white people all the damn time---funny how you just conveniently didn't mention that, or just left that part out. That's what Hollywood has always done. And it's funny how none of you black-film hating trolls even understand the terms "diverse" or "woke", but you love throwing them around like they're supposed to be some kind of insult. Your blind hate of anything that isn't about white people is really ridiculous. Last time I looked, white people were not the only people of Earth, and have never been. Also, last time I looked, it's still mostly white people that run Hollywood. Yet idiots like you complain about the little handful of black films they put out per year that you don't even see, so it's really fckg pathetic that you're sitting up here whining and complaining about films that you'll never watch. Well, plenty of black people like myself and plenty of white and other non-white moviegoers had no problem seeing The Woman King because it's different from the usual tired predictable stuff Hollywood always churns out.

And by the way, it took at least five years for this film to get made because the two women who shopped the script around were told that it would never sell, and that it wasn't "marketable" or some s*** like that. They obviously proved the naysayers wrong.


I'm not bashing The Woman King, I'm speaking generally of propaganda and PSA-style films or agenda-driven media that has been prevalent lately. So I'm not bashing a movie I haven't seen. I'm speaking generally of trends.

Diverse means, as you say, a variety of persons or viewpoints present in a particular venture. In this case, films. But that's not all it means depending on the context. "Diversity" is used as a buzzword in certain circles to mean "not white" or to refer to culture, not thoughts or ideas. I like diversity as you present it, but that's not how it is always used.

I don't like the stupid propaganda pieces put out by Hollywood at other times by other people either. I was never really happy with Michael Moore as a documentary filmmaker because he was making commercials, not documentaries - for instance. I also have nuance to my opinion. Some movies have PSA-type ideas in them - Miyazaki's environmentalism, for instance - that are part of wonderful films or done artfully enough that they don't bother me. Other times it's hamfisted but doesn't harm the movie. Some movies are entirely PSAs. Oliver Stone is a good filmmaker generally, but he gets too heavy-handed to be as good as he might be. Please don't assume that I only dislike this stuff when it comes from black filmmakers.

You are mistaken that I don't like diverse movies. BlackKklansman and Get Out, for instance, are wonderful. I have no problems with those movies, and if you hop over to those message boards, I'm on there defending those films against people who accused them of being "anti-white". I understand you're not reading my whole posting history before commenting, but you're not looking at the whole picture.

Now, if you did look to other boards here, you'll find a topic I started on this very film asking for unbiased opinions, the conclusion of which was that I said I'd probably watch the movie based on the sensible critiques of others.


Let's be real----there are some racist trolls who are always going to hate on any film that isn't about white people, so fck them. The OP just wanted to b**** and whine like some little spoiled-a** punk about the fact that some black films actually get critical praise, and claim some dumb s*** like, "Oh, these films only get praised because there's black people in them,"---which is pure complete bulll****. A lot of the films the OP listed are actually pretty damn good---like 12 Years a Slave, Selma, Moonlight, Fences, Get Out, Woman King. Black Klansman and Nope could have been better, and I haven't seen Ma Rainey yet or King Richard yet. Bottom line---the OP just simply hates anything with black people in it, so he or she is just a fckg racist. I've seen trolls like him/her come on these boards for the sole purpose of bashing any film with black people in it---even if they hadn't even seen it. Nothing new--racist trolls have been doing that dumb s*** for years. But movies about black people will always be made, because black people want to watch them, regardless of whatever bull**** a stupid-a** ignorant a** racist troll like the OP likes to spew out.


"The OP just simply hates anything with black people in it."

Lol, how ridiculous. A 90s kid who frequents a movie board but "hates" Shawshank, Pulp Fiction, Matrix, Se7en, Philadelphia, Terminator 2... even Boyz n the Hood, which I'm definitely not supposed to like. 🤣


Not really. People just dislike woke films that exist to lecture whites about how awful they are. The likes of Denzel, Sam Jackson, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith and Laurence Fishburne are widely respected and have occupied starring roles in any number of cherished films.


A fair point: it's not every film. But I do think that there are a lot of people who are criticizing gleefully. They seem to enjoy tearing down woman or minority-driven films for their own sake. At least, I've seen people who pour out such invective that it's difficult to take them seriously as people with legitimate critique.


Maybe these "woke" films just don't just exist to make white people feel bad, maybe they exist to tell great stories about interesting heroes! Maybe if you weren't hung up on the lack of white heroes, maybe if you could identify with a protagonist who is a different sex or race than yourself, you might be able to enjoy yourself at the movies, instead of feeling bitter and angry at the existence of films with black female protagonists!

Identifying with heroes who are a different race or sex than yourself can't be that hard, after all, you expect people who aren't white men to do it.



Guess what, troll? Black directors/producers/screenwriters (of which there are only a handful of in Hollywood to begin with) make films about black people that tell our stories----they are not made to make white people feel bad about themselves. They are not even about white people to begin with. Everything does not revolve around white people or whatever the hell y'all think, so get the f*** over yourself, please. Films about black people and our live and history are made by us for us. You throwing up names of a handful of successful black actors dosen't mean that we can't tell our own stories our way, and dosen't change the fact that Hollywood is still racist and sexist as hell. Oh, the term "woke", which was invented by black activists in the wake of Black Lives Matter, simply means to be aware of social injustice going on anywhere in your hometown or anywhere in the world. That's all it means.

Tired of right-wing idiots---because it's mostly right-wing idiots like you who say the ignorant, ill-informed things you just said---coming on these boards every time a movie about black people comes out and bash it simply because it's about black people, and not because they actually saw the film, or what was actually good or bad about it. Why come on here and waste time bashing a film you'll never see? I'm not saying all the trolls on here are racists, but come on---I see this dumb s*** on here every time a movie about black people comes out. If you haven't seen the film, what the hell is the point of bashing it? That's why you trolls who haven't seen the film sound so damn stupid talking about it. The Woman King is a damn good historical action film, and that's why it was a big box office hit, no matter what racist idiots like you say.


We really need a new word for racism, because of people like you. One that denotes, you know, actual racism, instead of opinions that leftists don't like. My position actually has little to do with black people, and more to do with middle class white critics who fawn over average "struggling black" movies in order to virtue signal. I've watched and enjoyed black people lead films for decades, but the 90-minute woke lectures of today are not what I grew up with.

And black celebs were buying up viewings of Woman King in order to push up its box office count. The figures are not a genuine reflection of what people want to see.


Blacks are amazing. Whites love to view films about the negroids. I love all those films.


But I was told we live in a white supremacist society that oppresses blacks with systemic racism, what happened?


You had leftist lies repeatedly and forcefully smashed into your brain. Some have now acquiesced and accepted those lies as reality.


"Leftist lies"? No, you're just a close-minded, narrow-minded, dumb-a** right-wing idiot who can't stand anybody or anything different from you in movies, and can't think for yourself, with your stupid brain-dead a**, because you're swallowed so much tired-a** right-wing bull**** that tells you to blindly hate anything or anybody that dosen't toe the right-wing party line. Funny thing--the majority of movies made in Hollywood----at least 98% of them---are about white people, because Hollywood is still mainly run by white men. Yet there always some fckg troll like you that comes along and has to whine about the barely five or ten movies Hollywood makes about black people per year that you never see, obviously. But you want to complain about the fact that they even get made, which is really even more fckg stupid. You do know that black people go to the movies and pay to be entertained too, right? As a white person, you see people that look like you all the damn time in the movies. Well black and brown and other non-white people like seeing themselves onscreen too, and we've grown up seeing movies about people that didn't look like us for most of our lives. So whenever a film with people who look like us is being made, we're going to see them, regardless of what some ignorant, whiny-ass troll like you thinks. Your opinion about this film dosen't mean s***, since your silly immature a** is never going to see it. Now go fck off and crawl back into your cave, and slam some beer cans up against your head or something.


You seem angry and irrational. Definitely a liberal.

"Hollywood is still mainly run by white men." Hollywood is mainly run by Jews: You know, that race of people who had a death order against them across a continent.


And it is a genre that has been completely overdone. They have apparently run out of great stories anchored in truth (e.g. "Glory") and have resorted to fictionalization of real events. Looks like this one is actually going to lose money, so perhaps it will cool the genre down a bit.


The Women King was a box-office hit---look it up---and guess what? Hollywood and indie films have told fictionalized versions of stories in practically every damn movie you're ever seen. That's been going on since the movies started---nothing new about it. And literally every genre in films has been overdone to death, but people still keep watching them. It's amazing how you want to bash The Women King for doing something that film directors have been doing for decades--because it still works---for no other reason than the fact that it's not about white people. Get the hell over it, please. Nobody's making you watch it.


I did look it up. The Woman King lost money. A few years from now, no one will even remember it. Now "Glory", on the other hand, isn't just IMO the best movie in this genre, it is one of the best movies of all-time and it was made over thirty years ago.


Not only lost money but wealthy blacks were buying up tickets to try and save it.


Yep and the tribe depicted in this film thrived on selling people into slavery. It was a major part of the Kingdom's economy. Not mentioned in the film right?


It is mentioned and dealt with in the film, which you would know had you bothered to actually see it. I find it ridiculous that all you trolls on here bashing the film just seem to hate the idea that a film that isn't all about white people exists. Get the f*** over it because it does, and it was already a big box office hit. Which you would know had you bothered to look that up, too. So I ain't telling none of y'all haters s*** else about it. Look it up.


Lol yep call me troll just because I challenged the woke film. A hit? I read wealthy blacks are buying up tickets to save it.


Black Mass:

Why it is every time a film dealing with black people comes out, you and these other trolls spout this stupid nonsense about them, when you haven't even seen them? What you just said is a bunch of pure bull****. Let me guess---you haven't seen a single one of the films you're mentioned---am I right? Of course you haven't. I've seen at least seven of the films you mentioned, and they all got critical acclaim because they were actually good movies. Which you would know if you had actually seen them, which you obviously haven't. Guess what---white people are not the only in the whole world with stories to tell on film. White people aren't the only people in the world who can make films either. And funny how you ignore that most films that come out of Hollywood are about white people and made by white people, and there are films about white people that get good reviews all the time. So your little insinuation that there's some nonexistant "agenda" is really stupid because it dosen't exist. So get off the bull****. Nobody's making you see anything you don't want to see.


You keep banging on about whites running Hollywood. Jews run Hollywood. The race of people who had a death order against them across a continent, as I pointed out earlier.


I don't have much an opinion on this either way but the good ole USA is about 85 percent Caucasian so the fact that hollywood is mostly white shouldn't be a problem. Do you complain that Bollywood has almost exclusively indian directors and writers? Seems like you want "forced" diversity just for diversity's sake.


these moovies in right wing circles are known as "race porn"
