MovieChat Forums > Yesterday (2019) Discussion > Just one thing I found disturbing

Just one thing I found disturbing

I realize it is just a comedy however, when Jack visits John Lennon's future self and gives him a hug JL says, "You need serious psychiatric help." I just found that disturbing. Why would he say something like that to someone offering him a hug? Why is it when someone doesn't understand something or someone it is the person they don't understand that is experiencing some kind of error?


I find it in keeping with John's sardonic sense of humor, but that's just me.


It was, I thought, one of the only times that John's humour was in that scene. I really felt like that was missing. John should've been sharper. Let him be more "zen", but my goodness, isn't it possible that he can be zen and still funny? He was like this idealized Buddha version of John, one that couldn't exist (which, I guess is the point), and I thought the scene might've been better had it felt a bit more like the wry, quick-wit we know and love from interviews.


I thought that was a reference to Lennon being rather homophobic.


i thought it was a joke


Wow that is a hyper take on it. I agree with person above that it was just typical of Lennon’s sardonic humor, and working class British roots. People in Liverpool were kind of tough in his day, and not huggers
