The vast majority of the songs by the Beatles are overrated, hyped up junk... "We all live in a yellow submarine"..... "I am the walrus"... "Why don't we do it on the road"... "I want to hold your hand"... "Helter Skelter... Utter rubbish.
it's taste of course but I agree with the OP, I never understood what the fuss was all about. Their clangy strumming type of whiny lyrics songs never appealed to me. nobody can deny they broke ground historically, but like the other posted said that was more of a business and producing genius thing than musical.
Well let's see, other than basically inventing an entire genre of music and changing the face of pop culture, I guess I can't see either.
that was more of a business and producing genius thing than musical.
The Beatles broke a lot of ground musically. Their use of three part harmony, their musicianship, their introduction of new instruments into the pop landscape, but mostly their incredible songwriting.
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You like them, and I get it. I just don't care for their sound. The SOUND, if you can separate that from the hype and business success, as a factor, the way I do. Btw hip hop also "invented an entire genre of music and changed the face of pop culture" but nonetheless I don't have any snoop dogg or Lil Wayne CDs on my shelf. Don't like the sound, that's why.
It was a different time. All'z I'm sayin is I think the hype was more about the hype than it was about their actual sound. "Their clangy strumming type of whiny lyrics songs never appealed to me."
"Their use of three part harmony, their musicianship, their introduction of new instruments into the pop landscape, but mostly their incredible songwriting. " I am not a musician so I can't really discuss these things, but other artists broke ground too, without being credited with the collossal success the beatles had. I just don't get it. Sorry.
But mostly their sound is lame. "I want to hold your haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnndd" lmao
I stand by my assertion that it was more hype than substance.
The sound is the reason they were so big. NO one had heard anything like it before. They basically invented the modern rock/pop format that is still in use today. Think of your ten favourite bands, and guaranteed the majority of them are going to credit the Beatles as a major influence.
Don't like the sound, that's why.
So you're going to write off an entire music genre because you don't like Lil Wayne and Snoop Dogg, who aren't even that representative of hip hop. Okayyy then.
I think the hype was more about the hype than it was about their actual sound
Nah, they revolutionized rock music, for too many reasons that I couldn't possible all go into here.
but other artists broke ground too, without being credited with the collossal success the beatles had
No band broke ground to the extent that the Beatles did. All the ones that came after would credit the Beatles with their initial success. The Beatles are the big bang of rock and pop music. After Elvis.
But mostly their sound is lame. "I want to hold your haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnndd" lmao
For one, you need to look past the lyrics. Lyrics are basically meaningless. Their sound was that of American culture being shifted on its head by the British Invasion and kicking in the door for everything that followed. I guess you had to be there.
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okay bro if you say so. i guess they are like broccoli; tastes awful but good for you so ya need to eat it anyway.
sorry dude but i still don't get it. their songs and tunes just dont sound good to me. most of your answers ar e more on the cerebral side... an intellectual appreciation as opposed to a visceral one.
maybe i just dont understand these elements you mention, and how they influenced other bands. but dude if that's true, why do the influencED bands appeal to me but the influencERS don't? let that sink in.
hell this aint even my thread lol, and here i am trying to defend the op's position. smh
I'm so sick and tired of millennial/Gen Y with their stupid "everything is overrated" shtick. All it does is underscore just how culturally bankrupt they are. I wonder if they go out of their way to trash everything because it pains them how pathetic they are compared to previous generations.
What about Drive My Car, Run For Your Life, Come Together, Ticket To Ride, We Can Work it Out, I’m Looking Through You, If I Fell, Anna Go To Him, Lady Madonna?
Your argument is invalidated right out of the gate by calling songs like I Am The Walrus "utter rubbish" -- every song you mention is a good one to the vast majority of listeners.