The vast majority of the songs by the Beatles are overrated, hyped up junk... "We all live in a yellow submarine"..... "I am the walrus"... "Why don't we do it on the road"... "I want to hold your hand"... "Helter Skelter... Utter rubbish.
I don't care for the Beatles, but i don't think they are overrated, just not my cup of tea. I DO think Pink Floyd is the most overrated band ever, and I love that era classic rock.
The Beatles didn't actually write their own songs. They are a corporate created band propped up, and groomed by The Tavistock Institute.
Same with the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, and many many more.
Look at all the bands that came out of Laurel Canyon all in the same year. It's not coincidence that there's so many "stars" that died at age 27 (Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, etc). These are manufactured personalities given to us by the corporations that propped up their music. These companies/governments would never take a chance on real musicians and let them do whatever they wanted. They wanted to shape the way society turned out. That's why the Beatles were so wholesome, then all the sudden were long hair, and taking acid. That is what they wanted society to do. The CIA literally dumped free acid onto the scene on purpose. It was all about breaking up the family. They wanted to divide the wholesome 50s generation parents from their children, and keep the family divided. If families were allowed to grow strong, they could stand a chance at rebelling against a corrupt government, but with everyone hating their parents like that really put a dent in the family, and it worked. Look at families today, they are only a glimmer of they were back in the 40s and 50s. There is no unity anymore, no gardening, many divorces, etc. Divorces and new marriages all the time generates more revenue for the system. If you have two sets of parents/step parents, you have to buy twice as many gifts for the holidays, etc. It extends to economy boosting methods, and much more. I'm not kidding around here people, this is serious stuff. The greatest musicians in the world are people you've never heard of, not the crap on the radio, 100%.
The Beatles are just the original boy band, they aren’t a very good band at all. I think one problem with this movie is if someone released the Beatles songs today they wouldn’t be successful because we have seen so many other boy bands.