RT and Metacritic
84% (7.3 ave) after 194 reviews
71 Metascore after 37 reviews
25/30 reviews are 60+, that's only 83%.
Professional critics' scores are always ridiculously high for Woke movies and shows. You can basically use the critic scores as a reverse barometer. Just wait until viewer scores show up... IF they even allow that anymore. I'm actually surprised the critics aren't giving it 100%.
shareThe critic score is only 72/100. RT is not an average score!
share38% on RT Average Audience Score is 2.4 after 4,281 reviews
2.2 user score on Metacritic after 487 reviews
Metacritic has the fewest user ratings so trolls take advantage.
Metacritic also rates on a 0-5 scale while Imdb is 1-10.
Every negative comment there has context.
Most positive comments are all generic "Stunning and amazing".
Of course, and I know, but you're leaving out the shills. Especially for this kind of thing, there are those who will love it before they've seen, or they will show extra love to counteract the trolls.
shareJust take the difference to arrive at the correct score. If the critics give it an 85%, then the correct score is 15%.