Caviezel said Trump is the new Moses….
“…but I’m still Jesus.” This, from his Twitter account.
“…but I’m still Jesus.” This, from his Twitter account.
Providing no source is sick.
share[Trump] is the new Moses,” Caviezel said. “I mean, I’m still Jesus, but he’s the new Moses. Pharaoh, let my children go free.”share
A quick search will get you lots of sources. He said it on Fox and Friends. Comparing yourself with Jesus is blasphemous, and as for Trump being the "new Moses," maybe Caviezel, who owes much of what fame he does have to starring in a Christian-ish movie (too much fantasy to be biblically-based), might want to actually crack a Bible for a change and read up on Moses, noting the vast differences between Moses and Trump. Moses was described in the Bible as the meekest man who'd ever lived. (Numbers 12:3) That just screams "Trump," doesn't it? 😂
This time(!) you are probably right. The comparison with biblical figures is batshit crazy. Maybe they use too much incense in the church he frequently visits? 🤔
shareTrump will lead us to the promised land.
shareTim Ballard ... all these guys are lunatics.
Frightening to see these guys made into heroes when they did nothing to save any children from traffickers.
they did nothing to save any children from traffickers.
It's hard to tell underneath all the exaggeration from this group. Here a member describes what really happens. No traffickers are infiltrated. Pimps are asked to provide children and after they're rounded up off the streets, the pimps are arrested. The children are dumped back on the street afterwards. It's all bullshit.
Only someone that supports child grooming, pedophilia, and child trafficking would demonize the actual events, but nice try since we know your a fudge-packer that supports all that.
shareAn interesting read.
I will agree on several points - I didn't see any 'traffickers' - no border crossings in sight.
It should also be noted that the comments from the other anti-trafficker organizations in the article are odd, because they don't mention that there was no 'trafficking' done for this to be considered an anti-trafficking operation.
I think this film was advertised as 'exposing' the elites - none of that shit happened - as such, this film is driven by false advertisement.
That the pseudo anti-traffickers are keen on having a TV show is very odd. It's a sign of times, isn't it? The instagram influencer age - everything you do is for the camera, to get money from the ads - as such, everything that you do is actually BS you do not care about, because the main goal is to get money from the ads rather than doing anything for the society.
That reminds me of the KONY2012 campaign - now that shit got exposed VERY early. They made a crapload of money, too.
I think this film was advertised as 'exposing' the elites - none of that shit happened - as such, this film is driven by false advertisement.
Err.... that's the thing - the film was advertised as part of Qanon conspiracy, but it actually wasn't - it was just false advertisement. Advertisement could be called Qanon conspiracy - but the film actually wasn't.
So when the corporate mainstream media attacks the film as Qanon, that too is blatantly false, because they are not attacking the advertisement - they are attacking the actual film.
Lol. But QAnon is advertising this film.
Sure, there is nothing in the film about an evil Satan-worshiping cabal of Democratic politicians who traffick children. The film itself seems to be just sexploitative crap designed to titillate. I'm sure every pedophile in the U.S. has seen it.
The star of the film is a Christian wacko who claims he's Jesus. He calls Trump "Moses".
The alleged heroism of OUR shown in the film never happened. It's pure fiction. They are not combating human sex traffickers of children. In some cases, they're abetting it.
So yeah, it's a trash film which exploits children and promotes everything QAnon stands for.
I sure as hell won't buy a ticket and support this bullshit.
You are as much in denial about the actual events of this film as you are about Kyle’s self-defense video which you also denied.
Facts are facts, and no matter how much you want to deny them, it will not change those facts.
they did nothing to save any children from traffickers.
They're not getting the real traffickers. They're American real estate agents who vacation in the Caribbean on donations. They find some creepy pimps and ask them to find little girls for sex. The pimps round up a bunch of street kids. The local police are called. The children are not rescued. They're dumped back out on the street when the vacationing Americans are done with them.
It's a scam.
Your own link debunks what you are saying. They do work with after care programs, but that article mentioned that it was more than that particular program could handle so they ended up releasing some of them. They didn’t just dump them all back in the street. Yes it’s flawed, and imperfect, but it’s not bad, and its lot more than doing nothing.
shareDude, there are plenty of reputable organizations to combat trafficking. Give your money to them, not QAnon.
This movie is about raping children. It's porn for pedos. It's disgusting. I don't wanna see it.
lol it's not porn for anyone, why don't you make your trolling less obvious?
shareI should have put "porn" in quotes. However, every pedo on the planet has seen this movie.
Dude, this is obviously one the worst films of all time. It's just a promo for QAnon and a vehicle for this corrupt "charity" to get donations.
People don't even know what qanon is, qanon never actually made any claims, he was basically a larper on 4chan who played a game of conspiracy madlibs, making extremely vague statements that people were left to "fill in the blanks" on and never confirming or denying anyone's guesses, anyways the movie has nothing to do with it it's basically just Taken with younger victims and less over the top action
shareNo, my problem with the film is that there is a pitch at the end for donations. And financial records show that most the money goes to "administration". It's a scam and these guys are pocketing most the money. The organization is called Operation Underground Railroad, not QAnon. But it's part of that right wing movement.
shareOh come on!! If the Left would've made this movie, right down to the donations at the end, you wouldn't have had a problem with it and liberals would be beating their hairless chests over it, so just stop already with this..
shareOh please, there are plenty of whack job leftist religious groups who I wouldn't trust either. Heard of Jim Jones and the Peoples' Temple? You're the one who thinks in rigid categories.
As someone on Twitter said, "And with that one blasphemous statement, he destroyed the credibility of the movie." Caviezel has always been loopy, but this is over the top.
shareNothing has been destroyed except the sensitivity of a twitter user that has no sense of humor.
shareIf the story grows legs, that won't be the case. But I've heard it's done well, so if that idiot Caviezel shooting himself and the movie, metaphorically, in both feet does finish it off (most of the True Believers™ will think the quote or film clip isn't real -- that's how they sustain their belief in their idol) it will still have done good box office up to this point, and will still rope in the True Believers™ that aren't put off by little things like biblical illiteracy and outright blasphemy.
shareIt is ironic that on one hand, you are explicitly “literal” about some things, while on the other, you fill in the blanks and constantly infer about others.
I have mentioned this to you once before, and you have done it numerous times.
That is a convenient strategy you have going there.
The man actually did the central focus of the movie a disservice by his "jokes."
shareIt's called humor.
shareBlasphemy is funny with you lot. Not surprised.
shareThe intent of the heart makes all the difference. If the statement is obviously said to amuse, there's nothing blasphemous about it. You realize this, of course, but for some reason you want to be legalistic in this case.
shareSome things you don't joke about. Blasphemy is a disrespect for the Lord, including joking. Joking about how you're Jesus but Trump is Moses ...
There's a general disrespect for the Lord these days. We get to see pictures of Jesus guiding Trump's hands and none of the True Believers™ call it out, so you guys just live and breathe blasphemy. It's not as though I can get you guys to care about it.
The only thing that is blasphemous is when certain people pretend that they don’t have a sense of humor while at the same time making suppositions about what is not humorous or is disrespectful to the Lord or God.
shareDefinition of Blasphemy:
Contemptuous or profane speech or action concerning God or a sacred entity.
An instance of this.
Irreverent or impious action or expression in regard to something considered inviolable or sacrosanct.
So joking would fall under the "Irreverent...expression" bit.
You say that the fact that some things are literal and others are not really bugs you. You have to realize that's true, or handling or reading language becomes extremely difficult. Metaphors or similes would really throw anyone who didn't understand that basic truth.
When people pretend to not understand something while thinking that's a clever form of argument always bugged me. Or maybe I'm giving you too much credit.
He's right intent is part and parcel to the definition of the word. I see nothing wrong with his use there, though I would not have done it myself.
shareIt's cringe humor which exposes these jokers.
This Caviezel is not a Christian. I'm not a believer but I know a real Christian would never claim to be Jesus. Not even joking. That is what they call "blasphemy".
These guys are phonies and that goes to Tim Ballard as well, the man they're trying to turn into a hero.
No children were saved from traffickers. These blowhards asked scumbags to find children for them on the street. Once the police are called, the children are dumped back on the street to be victimized again.
Anyone who supports this group or this film are complicit in trafficking children for sex. No way in hell will I pay money to see this film.
If the intent of the humor is not malevolent then it should be interpreted as harmless (attempts at) amusement, however questionable or ill-advised.
"Sound of Freedom" is based on a true story and contains actual surveillance footage of captured kids, etc. But -- by all means -- carry on your curious campaign to denounce the film. Thou doth protest too much, methinks.
When someone suggests that you can't question any film's veracity, regardless of the topic, I'm suspicious.
I don't like QAnon. The "Jesus" statement is typical of their fanaticism. And I'm not going to see this film because I have no interest in the sexualization of the children. This is exploitative bullshit.
shareActor Jim Caviezel says that adrenochrome is ten times more potent than heroine, he says there are multiple Epstein Islands run by intelligence agencies
I don't give a crap what he says. I've enjoyed lots of movies made by and starring batshit crazy leftists, too, All I care about is whether the movie is good. If I boycotted all the entertainers I don't agree with, I'd be left with nothing to amuse me but a banjo made out of an old cigar box.
shareI think we all have a line somewhere. Fellow who swells around pretending to be a great Christian while ripping out with sheer blasphemy is mine.