10 oscar noms

Pretty much everything except MRobbie

Joker got 11


Do you agree it deserved that many nominations?


idk .. I mean Hollywood loves movies about Hollywood and Tarantino so it makes sense


Is this Tarantino’s best work? I’m trying to rewind the movie in my head. I must have missed its genuis because it is my least favourite Quentin movie. I think Inglorious is up there with Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, the latter two which didn’t get as much acclaim as this, so I’m a bit frustrated. But there is something about OUATIH which resonates even though I didn’t thoroughly enjoy it.


My personal favourite is Inglourious Basterds, but for me it's hard to pick an exact order for his films because I love aspects to all of them.

My least favourite is Hateful Eight, followed by Death Proof (although I think the latter works better as "Grindhouse" - that full-blown B-movie experience as opposed to a one-off film).

Reservoir Dogs was too soon for snob value. The Academy wasn't going to give Tarantino kudos for his out-the-gate movie. They're usually not that hip. Even Pulp Fiction was just number two. By now, Tarantino is so respected as a filmmaker that they nominate his films for all kinds of things.

All that said, I really, really enjoyed Once Upon a Time...in Hollywood, and I think it deserves a tonne of nominations. Pitt for performance, Tarantino for writer and director, and the film for best picture - for sure. I'd also praise the cinematography. I don't know what it was all nominated for, and I'm not sure I could even discern what made for good sound mixing, but I think it deserves a lot of accolades and praise.





Well deserved. I think it will win best picture, best original screenplay, and best supporting actor.


Yeh I can see those winning . With 1917 director, Joker best actor, Judy best actress, then all the tech ones split between OUATIH, Joker, 1917, Irishman
