X best to worst now?

-DOFP (not just the best X movie but one of the best time travel films)
-X2 (b4 DOFP this was the absolute top)
-Logan (maybe this should be in front of X2? idk)
-X1 (1st half abit like XMen:Unbreakable. Bit old now but still the one that started it all)
-First Class (not a huge fan of it but its an undeniably solid movie & Fassbender is great)
-Apocalypse (everyone seems to hate it like X3/Origins but its actually a pretty decent epic Xmen movie)
-The Wolverine (not really a fan of this but would just seem wrong to put it after X3)
-X3 (its fun but kind of dumb..and coming after X1/2 that was kind of unforgivable)
-Dark Phoenix (had a eerie lowkey feel and not as bad as RT score but overall it didn't really measure up. maybe it will go up abit after abit of time/retrospect idk)
-Origins (not that bad but its just a thing that its considered the worst like Superman IV, B&R)

I don't think you can include the Deadpools as they are so different and like a meta commentary on XMen.. but would put DP2 ahead of DP1 and wouldn't know where to put them amongst the X movies


My list will piss some people off, but keep in mind, even as a longtime fan of the comics and cartoon, I don't love or hate any of them.

X2: Y'know, it doesn't have much action...I don't think a superhero movie made today would have so little action, but damn it has good character moments, feels epic (helped by the only memorable score in any of the movies), and Brian Cox is a great villain.

X-Men Apocalypse: Sorry, but I like it. My only complaint is too much Mystique.

X-Men: underwhelming, but still a great intro to the X-Men universe

Deadpool 2: Very entertaining...lot of fun

Logan: can't really think of anything to say, but this is where I rank it

X-Men Days of Future Past: Too much Wolverine...70s scenes kinda boring. if it weren't for the massive undertaking of getting the actors from the original films and actually having Sentinels (both future and past ones), I would've ranked this even lower

X-Men First Class: also don't know what to say...but this is where I rank it

Deadpool: a little overrated...don't like it when origins take up the whole movie

X-Men Origins Wolverine: not as bad as people say...just underwhelming. Without Gambit, I would've ranked lower.

X-Men Last Stand: also not as bad as people say..just underwhelming. Where the hell were the Sentinels? And Gambit should've been in this one instead of Origins Wolverine.

Dark Phoenix: also not as bad as people say...but it loses so many points for adapting a story that had already been adapted when there's so many other stories that could've been done.

Wolverine (2013): OMG so boring


I mostly agree with your list, but X3 is the absolute worst movie on this list. Dark Phoenix, as mediocre as it was, was still far better.


First Class
Days of Future Past
The Last Stand
Dark Phoenix
The Wolverine
X-Men Origins


Patrician ranking:

First Class: A-
DP1: A-
X2: B+
Logan: B
The Wolverine: B-
X1: B-
DP2: C+
DoFP: C+
Apoc: D
X3: D-
Origins: F

Don't know about this new one. Prob won't see it. But assuming that it is as bad as WOM indicates then the franchise is still at least 50% decent.


DOFP- probably top 10 of the best superhero films of all time
Logan- Another one that will probably be in many top 10 best superhero films
Deadpool- Just a ton of fun and Reynolds is awesome
Deadpool 2- the sequel doesn't get the love it deserves imo
First Class- Underrated by many, and worth it for Fassbender as Magneto.
X2- The best film from the first go around of the X-Men franchise
X1- Worth it for Hugh Jackman as Wolverine
Apocalypse- Just a passable X-men film
The Wolverine- let down by it's 3rd act. Overall a decent superhero film
Dark Phoenix- just meh
X3- a mess of a film
Origins- A massive disappointment thank god the other Wolverine and Deadpool's redeemed the characters.


X2 (My favorite)
First Class
The Wolverine
Dark Phonix
Origins (This was awful)


My personal list.

1. X-Men: Days of Future Past
2. X-Men
3. Logan
4. X-Men: First Class
5. X-Men 3: The Last Stand
6. X2
7. The Wolverine
8. X-Men: Apocalypse
9. Dark Phoenix
10. X-Men Origins: Wolverine


First Class
Apocalypse (I kinda liked it)
The Wolverine
Dark Phoenix
