MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > bombing so hard its embarrassing

bombing so hard its embarrassing

Don't think its even going to make it to Genisys' abysmal domestic 90m. (probably tap out about 75m like Alien Covenant)

overseas looks shot too (unlike genisys which was saved by foreign BO esp china).. be lucky if DF gets near 300m worldwide ..hell 250m might be a big ask! (between the underperforming Covenant/240m and BR2049/260m but Alien and BR were never really expected to be blockbusters unlike post T2 Terminator films)... that'd be around 200m less than Genisys! (whoever decided DF be rated R must be feeling very uncomfortable about now!)

FUCK! imagine telling someone (even yourself if you were there) coming out the theatre back in summer '91 blown away by what they'd just seen that years later there would be a sequel to T2 with Arnold/Linda and Cameron producing that would be bombing so hard.. they'd think you were fuckin LOONEY TUNES!


article on where the franchise could go next (with some interesting blames on DFs bombing)


What a crock. Yep, let's bring those beloved characters back - like John - for god's sake. The future war we have all been waiting for since 1991? Well then, that kind of totally dismisses DF doesn't it?

He's so full of it - I went to go see the movie and my opinion was mine and mine alone - and the bottom line for me is, regardless of the motive or why they think the story needed to go in the direction it did - it was a STUPID idea to kill John the way they did and when they did.


People really need to start taking the boycott issue seriously, that's the only thing that 'may' stop it.


now 249m worldwide! almost hit the magical 250m worldwide!

Congrats to DF!!

Now..can it make it past Dark Phoenix's mighty 252m? ...maybe..



Well stop your grinnin' and drop your linen DF has finally made it to 250!

No touching DP yet tho


Wow now DF has shot past X:DP (and MiB4) with 255m!

this is insane! Did it open in a new territory over the wkend?!

At this rate it will be taking out John Wick 3 in the next couple weeks!


Does distribution in something like Red Box and DVD sales go into the total gross sales number?


No the gross on box office mojo etc is just cinema


So if a movie is re-released in a theater at a later date do those sales go into the gross or is it just the original release?


In the case of re releases I think they are added to the gross




now STORMING ahead reaching 256m!


Curious, isn't it? Still a domestic bomb, but turning profit worldwide. Made more than 3x the money outside the US as inside. China must like the movie.

In fact I think that's the pattern that's emerged now -- Hollywood makes movies crammed with as much wokeness as they can get away with without offending the PRC censor.


Being touted as the biggest bomb of the year in the biggest bombs of 2019 article đŸ˜¨

Terminator: Dark Fate seemingly had all of the ingredients to successfully resurrect the long-floundering franchise: the return of James Cameron as a producer, the involvement of Deadpool director Tim Miller, Linda Hamilton saddling up once again as Sarah Connor, and a slew of talented young actors filling out the cast. Ignoring the three increasingly ridiculous installments that came after Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the flick even garnered mostly positive reviews — so how did it become perhaps the biggest money loser of the year?
There's no easy answer, but one thing seems certain: Dark Fate failed to garner any interest whatsoever among younger moviegoers, many of whom weren't even born when T2 became a cultural phenomenon in 1991. It could very well be that the older fans who loved that film and its 1984 predecessor simply failed to pass that love down to the new generation, whose familiarity with the franchise mostly began and ended with three critically reviled movies — Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003), Terminator: Salvation (2009), and Terminator: Genisys (2015) — that Dark Fate ignored.
In any event, the aptly titled Dark Fate — which was intended to kick start a new trilogy — will almost certainly end up being the final nail in the coffin of the franchise. The filmmakers can at least take solace in the fact that Terminator went out on a high note... but this time, it sure looks like he won't be back.

Read More:


Theres a smaterrign of laughs and its not funny.


Absolutely. C'mon guys, stop laughing. its not funny


You could say the same thing about coming out of a theater in 1977 after seeing Star Wars for the first time


no as aside Solo, SW is still pulling in the mega numbers .. Ep9 is going to do like at least 1.5b. Terminator was on the scale of SW back in the T2 era .. before the sequels kept digging and digging that hole .. leading to its eventual Dark Fate

A more comparable franchise would be Alien (although no Alien has ever been on the blockbuster scale as T2) or maybe XMen (Dark Fate/Phoenix)


Wow this is embarrassing

Paramount’s DORA AND THE LOST CITY OF GOLD and TERMINATOR: DARK FATE have identical grosses domestically: $60M.

Somewhere on the Paramount lot in Hollywood, someone has locked themselves into a bathroom stall and is crying, or possibly dry heaving.
